Home > Evaluation Tomorrow- oh boy...

Evaluation Tomorrow- oh boy...

January 5th, 2011 at 02:10 am

I get so nervous before evaluations. I think Ive done a good job...but I never know whether its ok, good, great...until after the evaluation is done.

The good news is that I will find out what my raise will be. I know it is at least 3% but might be 4%. Either will be welcome and appreciated!

Also this month, we get an empllyee rebate of 10% on all interest earned or paid on our accounts. I think this will equal about $200 for me on my next paycheck.

Then next month, I will get the bonus...I feel so blessed. I truly love my job, so getting the perks really sweetens the deal!

When I get all the final numbers, I will redo the budget! I will put part towards bills payment and part towards vacation.

Big Grin Life is very $ good!

2 Responses to “Evaluation Tomorrow- oh boy...”

  1. PNW Mom Says:

    I have my annual review on Thursday....even though I have been there for 12 years, I still get nervous.....don't know why because I love my job and the people I work with and work for! Good luck!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Good luck on your evaluation!!

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