Home > Weekend Forecast...

Weekend Forecast...

May 18th, 2006 at 06:03 pm

I know this is not a weather blog....but I am so darn excited at the possibility of some rain and relief from this heatwave!

Thank you Contrary1 for mentioning that rain may be coming our way...I checked out Medfords weather and sure enough...there is a chance of rain this weekend...and the expected highs are back down into the 60's and 70s for the next week....woo-hoo! (Boomeyer...your good wishes may have done it for us!!)

Doin' the rain dance...

2 Responses to “Weekend Forecast...”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    I'm the opposite...I'd love some sun here. We get it occasionally, then it rains. I never know what to wear in the morning, the weather's so unpredictable!

  2. ecsander Says:

    you can have all of our rain! it's rained every day for over a week. i want to see the sun again!

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