Home > BofA :) and Wells Fargo :(

BofA :) and Wells Fargo :(

May 20th, 2006 at 03:53 am

I finished opening the online BofA account last week...and low and behold I received a $50 bonus deposit to the account today!! Woo-hoo!

I am going to add that $50 to my challenge money on Monday and will update the total at that time! (Don't you just LOVE free money!!)

Wells fargo, however, is making me work for the $25 gc. That account has been opened over a month, the certificate code for STILL does not work...service via email has been no help...and I did not receive the call back from their support department as promised today. I will try again on Monday. I feel like IMTHISCLOSE... yet miles away at the same time.

2 Responses to “BofA :) and Wells Fargo :(”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    What is a BofA?

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    sorry...Bank of America

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