Home > Free Morning ~

Free Morning ~

May 20th, 2006 at 05:50 pm


I am doing laundry this morning and am using FREE SAMPLES of laundry detergent. (I have enough for three loads)

Then I am going to shower, and will again use FREE SAMPLES of shampoo and conditioner. (I have enough for about 4 days)

Grace will enjoy a FREE SAMPLE breakfast.

and I have a FREE SAMPLE of deodorant.


(Most of my samples came from Walmart and Vocalpoint).

2 Responses to “Free Morning ~”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    They do add up, don't they?? I aim to sign up for at least 2 a day (plus 2 for my mom) and that has kept me in mailbox goodies since I started. The kids are loving the odd little bits of mail too, as I sign up for some that would interest them in their name. They get so excited to have their name on something. Cheap fun!!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Yes- it is cheap fun!! (Where do you find enough to do 2 per day???) I am new to this stuff and just kinda hit and miss.)

    Also- Are you knitting these days?? I need to get back on my baby blanket and get it done! I have found myself visiting this site alot and have not set aside time for my hobby!! (addict?) But I am planning on taking it on vacation next week- and hopefully finish it finally!

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