Home > Free Business Cards

Free Business Cards

August 8th, 2006 at 10:26 pm

I used the link on My Points for 250 free business cards from Vista Print which I had imprited for my upcomeing and future lab puppies.

The business cards were free + $5.95 shipping, and I will get the $5.95 back from Insiders Club...PLUS I will get an extra 300 points in my MyPoints account!!!

I think VistaPrint has their logo on the back of the cards (to have blamnk backs would have cost me)...but for this, I felt the small logo was no problem.

So, free business cards coming soon!!

3 Responses to “Free Business Cards”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    These are the only kind I use.........the logo on the back is a non issue in my book.

    My mistake on the latest ones I did; I forgot to increase the size of the font, so I can hardly read them. They only work for client that are younger than me!!! (with better eyesight) Smile

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Great deal! Get some for the pest biz too!

  3. ima saver Says:

    good going Ray!

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