Home > No Spenders???

No Spenders???

August 23rd, 2006 at 05:18 pm

I think I have the whole 'no spending' thing down...that is, for me. But what about these two other 'money-sucking-without-thinking' persons who live in my home?

Here is a typical day in our home:

I happily make my coffee in my lil ol years old $9.99 coffee pot. I happily clip coupons, peruse the sales ads, click my points, hang laundry, wear 1990 something fashion, bake from scratch, cook from scratch, dole out laundry soap and ammonia as tho they were gold, use free samples to wash my hair, and read books from the library.

In this midst, the two other occupants (DH and DD3- aka "me and mini me') somehow silently conspire against me in my quest for no spend days...

golf, lunch, uniforms, candy, clothes, socks, beer, soda, downloaded music, overdue fines, hunting and fishing supplies (ok, but where's the beef? he and his buddies go hunting with empty, just a suspicion, but why do they never come home with anything?? and a case of why do we need that license?)

and on and on....

I would proudly say that Ive had many, many no spend days...but the emphasis would be "I" not 'we'.


Im not upset. Im not giving up. and I am going to continue on my quest for no spend days in the hopes that my frugalness is rubbing off at least a little on these co-habitants of mine.

In the meantime, I will happily continue my frugal routines and plant frugal seeds in the minds of the non-frugal with the hopes that with enough cultivation we will eventually celebrate a few no- spenders as a family!

4 Responses to “No Spenders???”

  1. ima saver Says:

    I know just how you feel, I tell my dh that I saved $2 today using coupons and he says, "does that mean I can quit work, cause you are saving me so much money?"

  2. flash Says:

    I know the feeling...DH has his own protected areas of gourmet coffee and specific shampoo. Mention it to him and AGH.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Not only that, but when you are clipping coupons and grocery shopping - it is to feed WHO?? Certainly not just you, but ALL of you!
    Can't get that through DH's head. He has his golf, eat out money, but spending money for the household?? No, that is all MY fault.....
    Sorry, pet peeve. My kids pay for their own stuff within reason.

  4. Meredith Says:

    I totally understand. Usually the ones who spend money carelessly are the ones complaining that there is not enough!

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