Home > Lurkers- THIS POSTS FOR YOU!!


March 11th, 2008 at 05:10 am

Two years ago today, I remember reading the blogs on this site wondering if I would have the nerve to start my own blog.

I was so nervous about writing something that was too silly or that no one would read or respond...

I remember I have enough things to write about to have an actual blog?

I remember seeing other bloggers "hop in" for the first time and receive "welcome" responses...

I remember Diva Jen, Flash, Cercie..amoung a few of you who are still here today- welcoming me and making me feel "at home"....but that was two years ago tomorrow. My blogoversary. And I will blog about that tomorrow...

For tonight, two years ago, I was still a "lurker" who was soaking up all the wonderful information that was shared in the blogs...silently recognizing myself and my circumstances in the posts...wanting to be a part of such a supportive group of people.

So tonights post is dedicated to all of our lurkers...we've all been there, got the t-shirt! Don't be nervous about joining the rest of us...we are a kindhearted, supportive family. And we want to hear your me, you may even make some really cool cyber-buddies!!

C'mon'll be glad you did!! We will be glad you did too!

7 Responses to “Lurkers- THIS POSTS FOR YOU!!”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    it's funny, i remember reading Ambers blog but didnt realise it was a whole lot of different blogs (i LOVE finance blogs, seeing what other people spend etc) as soon as i did realise, i joined up STRAIGHT AWAY! and i have to say, i got lots of first entry welcomes too. it really is nice, i think the size of this site is great, there is a big variety of people but not too many, it is still very close and everyone is very nice. Smile great post!

  2. helpmefriend Says:

    I am glad I joined. I only Lurked for a day or two. I wanted all the wisdom you had and you inspired me. Now, with 317 days to go until my blogoversery, I have learned a lot. With the help and support of Ima, BA, and everyone, I feel that I can do it. I can dig myself out of the hole, not in deeper.
    Without this site, my mom, and children, I would be a complete wreck!
    Thank you.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    So glad you are here Ray!!

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Happy blogoversary, Ray!

    Thanks for the kind word, helpmefriend!

  5. miclason Says:

    Happy blogoversary!

    ...yes,lurkers...come out, come out!...
    believe me, once you start, it gets addictive...and, it does help to keep you accountable!


  6. HouseHopeful Says:

    Great idea for a post! I totally have the T-shirt!

  7. Sunshine Suz Says:

    I've been a lurker for almost two years now....lurking from work! I feel like I know you and your family too. Remembering the GIANT spider and birth of your puppies.....your ups and downs. How my own life has had the same rollar coaster ride. How everybody's family is so "Crazy" and yet so special.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

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