Home > Banking Question...

Banking Question...

March 21st, 2008 at 06:12 pm

I'm curious...

How important are your teller interactions to your relationship with your financial institution?

If you receive the BEST service in town, but another banks rates were slightly higher...would you move?

If your service was not to your satisfaction, but the rates were higher...would you stay?

What would be the tipping point for you?

and finally, what kindof service makes you go "wow"??

(Kinda the Walmart vs Noordstrom philosophy...only with your bank)

8 Responses to “Banking Question...”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I would move to the higher rate, but I have always had good service with all the banks I deal with.

  2. Caoineag Says:

    Since I am one of those who does all of my banking online, my main requirements is that the banking online has to be convenient. A savings account might be opened somewhere else for a better rate but my checking stays put until I find a better alternative.

  3. Slowlygettingthere Says:

    This is an interesting question. We went to our small town bank to apply for a house loan. We have lived in this town for 5 years, banked with them the same. Never heard back from them, they kept us on hold. When we did get the financing (private), they couldn't cash the personal check. Yes, we still use this bank, but trust me, I am looking for a new one.

  4. Nic Says:

    I went to my credit union because the day I went to open an acct. at the local bank, I was told "someone will be right with you." Ten minutes later,in an empty bank,I was still being told "someone will be right with you." I told the clerk I would give "someone" 3 more minutes. When "someone" didn't materialize,I left and went across the street,opened an acct. w/no waiting @ the credit union. Service is big w/me....the rates aren't all that different between the bank and my credit union, so I'm staying put. Also,free checking w/my direct deposit,no minimum balance and free checks. Smile

  5. disneysteve Says:

    I only go inside a branch to a teller a couple of times each year, so it really isn't important at all. I do my banking online and at the ATMs.

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Higher rate, all the way! I am like Steve and do all my banking online anyway!

  7. fern Says:

    I rarely if ever see a teller unless the ATM machine is broken. I dislike banks in general, with all their pretty little fees so the only bank $ i have is my checking account.

  8. baselle Says:

    Depends - One bank I write my checks, ATM with, do debit, monitor my accounts online, deposit my paycheck, have my credit card with, and put my small tip box savings in. I visit that one regularly, they have a lot of ATM branches around town and I appreciate good customer service. When their ATM ate my card I really appreciated their customer service.

    I have savings in the credit union, and while I do appreciate their customer service the deciding factor was the interest rate. Moving money and their bill pay is not so fast.

    I also have savings in ING for the rates but also for the ease of moving money into and out of other online accounts. Its fast and its predictable.

    So I "bank" in multiple places for multiple reasons - workhorse, interest rate, speed and ease of transfer.

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