Home > DD3 and end of school for me for awhile...

DD3 and end of school for me for awhile...

March 17th, 2009 at 03:21 am

I turned in my final paper for my class tonight. It was a tough paper to write-my topic was very disturbing. But I finished it and turned it in. Never been so glad to get something done as I was that paper. The topic was late-term abortion.

I have decided not to return to school for a while, especially now that we are dealing with DD3 issues. I need to keep my focus on her right now. Plus, I have a vacation in May that would take me out of class for two weeks, which is not good.

I called the counselor today and we have an appointment on Friday. I have submitted my request to my boss for flex hours and will be talking to him about it tomorrow. Just in case he says yes, I will go in at 6:30am to start the day so that I can pick up DD3 when she gets out of school tomorrow.

I stayed home this morning until DD3 got on the bus, just to insure she didnt fail on day one. She was not happy with me for keeping such close tabs, but I suggested she start getting used to it. For a while, this is our new reality.

I went to lunch with a co-worker today, who happens to be a pastors wife. She was very supportive of all the things we are trying and even mentioned that her husband could help too. We went to a restaurant that is set up in one of the older mansions in the area. The house was build in the late 1800's so it has alot of character and charm. It was nice to sit and visit for a while too. Lunch was very tasty too.

After class tonight, I got home and the hub had bbq'd chicken and made a repeat batch of the red potatoes that we had last night. yum. I LOVE coming home to a home cooked meal and a toasty fire....especially on a cold, rainy day like it we had today.

3 Responses to “DD3 and end of school for me for awhile...”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck with DD3. Sounds like you have a great plan!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Sure hope things get better with you, Ray!

  3. cptacek Says:

    I'm so curious as to what happened with your daughter...

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