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A glimmer of hope and other observations

May 5th, 2009 at 02:49 am

"Maybe" is back in the same sentence as Puerto Vallarta today, so that is good news. Our most nervous Nelly co-horts are reconsidering their no's and are at least back at maybe. Smile I am not seeing a compelling reason NOT to go at this point. But we will wait one more week before making the final call.

We had one of the worst rain storms today that Ive seen in a very long time. It was very windy, rainy and dense cloud I needed to stop by the library after work and was soaked between the trips to and from work-car-library.

As I was in the library, you could hear the rain beating on the roof. So, I stopped and looked out the window. Boy, what a show that was!! Quite the site to watch as a real downpour took over. It was actually relaxing to stop and watch.

I then, went on to look for some books of interest. I passed a boy of about 15 who had a stack of books. At first glance, he looked like any other 15 year old...then I noticed one of the books he had in his stack...Dating for Dummies. The mom in me just wanted to hug him and tell him that life works out, be true to yourself, treat others the way you want to be treated and you'll be fine. But, I simply smiled at him and walked on.

A few minutes later, a young mother stopped next to me and sat her baby carrier down, rubbing her hand. She mentioned that her baby was heavy at just 3 months I took the opportunity to admire her little one and make small talk. She rested, and then headed off to check out.

I checked out 7 books and one DVD in all...didnt spend a dime. But enjoyed a birdseye view of the storm, took some time to relax and observe, hopefully gave that new mom a mini-break in her day and sent a silent wish for peace to that young boy. All for free.

and, I have 7 books and a dvd to savor...

does it get any better than that?

5 Responses to “A glimmer of hope and other observations”

  1. lizajane Says:

    How cute, Dating for Dummies! I'll bet he was hoping no one would see him check it out.

  2. Lady T Says:

    One of my co-workers was in Cancun last week and returned Saturday ... I didn't get a chance to talk to her today but I heard her voice so I know she made it back to work! Another co-worker is in Cozumel now ... she and her husband flew there Saturday and will return home this Friday. I'm looking forward to hearing about her trip! I'll let you know what they had to say, Ray!

  3. whitestripe Says:

    aww poor boy Smile everything seems so impossible at that age!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Nope, it does'nt! Rainshowers are sooo relaxing! (As long as you don't have to drive in them!) You are so sweet to play with the baby. I'm sure it was fun!

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Things are so difficult when you are a teen!!

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