Home > Payday plans

Payday plans

October 12th, 2012 at 02:27 am

The hubs paycheck is $38 more than expected tomorrow. This will go towards debt repayment. The electric bill was $130 less than budgeted, so that will go into the electricity escrow account. During the winter that bill can get pretty high for the other house, so I keep an escrow type account going all year and stash whatever is left of the budgeted amount to cover it during winter. (I budget $400 per month year round- this month it was $270. The bill combines both houses into one bill- but breaks down how much it is for each house.

DD2 wanted to go to lunch today, so we met at a restaurant that shares a parking lot with a Harry and Davids retail store. After lunch, I had some time, so I went into H&D. I always enjoy their seasonal decor and deals. The only thing that jumped out at me were two bottles of sparkling white wines. Different labels..both beautiful and on sale. When I use my credit card from the credit union, several merchants will give me a discount. (Its a deal the CU worked out with our 'local' vendors) H&D 's discount I saved $2.50...and the cost was $22.50 PLUS they will do a courtesy wrap and make the bottles look even more special...for FREE. So for #11.25 each, I have two ready to go gifts for birthdays or special occaisions. (Full price would have been $35 for both) I will definately keep this in mind for those 'extra' Christmas gifts I need. Plus, wine doesnt go bad and anything I dont use for Christmas can be saved for birthday gifts next year.

DD2s birthday was in September and her gift was two tickets to a comedy show that is tonight. I cant wait to hear how it was.

So happy tomorrow is Friday. I am looking forward to the weekend!

2 Responses to “Payday plans”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    I also have grand plans for payday. I must be weird that I like paying bills. Okay, let me clarify. I like KNOWING the bills are paid and watching debt balances go down.

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    I really like H&D. I use them during the holidays. Love the Moose Munch. Smile

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