Home > GS Day..I loved his list...

GS Day..I loved his list...

October 21st, 2012 at 01:18 am

A little of me must have worn off on my kids. Today, DD2 called to ask if I had a Kohl's coupon because GS needed new pants. I did, 30% off! While we were shopping, DD1 called and said she was shopping for Halloween costumes for the Goodwill. She outfitted both for under $10. DD2 found 3 pair of pants for Gs at Kohls- normally 29, on sale for 19 with 30% 13 per pair. Smile I love that my girls think about frugal ways to get what they need!

This morning a group of us from work volunteered at a local community place that takes food donations, packs up care packages and distributes to seniors and needy families. Today we boxed 650 care packages. We alloted 4 hours, but got it done in under 3. We do this twice a year and it is fun and rewarding.

Last week, GS (8) asked me to take him to the pumpkin farm today. I told him I would, and yesterday, he reminded me of my promise. Smile So last night, I called him and asked him to plan out our day. It was so sweet, when I met up with him at Kohls, he had a carefully written out list and timeline for the day. The list was carefully folded and in his pocket. Here is what it says:

List for the day
Wack up at 9:00
go to grandmos home 1:30
go to the pumrin pach 2:00
go to get stackes 3:30
cook diner 4:00
eat diner 5:00
eat popcorn and a move 8:30
go to bed 11:30

Some of his numbers and letters are backwards. It is one of the most precious lists I have ever seen. Definately keepsake material. He loves steak, so that is always his request when he spends the night. We had a fun afternoon. He picked our two for him and one for me. He carved them both when we got home- and did a really cute job.

Here is GS carving his pumpkin:

Im not sure if we will make it to 11:30 tonight..but we sure have had a great day.

7 Responses to “GS Day..I loved his list...”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    That list is darling and definitely something you should keep! Thanks for posting. Can you post pics of the pumpkins? I'd love to see them.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Here is a pic of GS working on his big white pumpkin. He had so much fun...

  3. Swimgirl Says:


  4. North Georgia Gal Says:

    So Cute! He really enjoys his time with you!

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Sounds like a wonderful day! Love the picture!

  6. Looking Forward Says:

    Wonderful! He's a doll. Smile

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Awww... sweet!

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