Home > Jury Duty and Iphones

Jury Duty and Iphones

December 11th, 2012 at 03:41 am

Tomorrow I go to jury duty. Work is so busy this month that I had hoped JD would be cancelled for tomorrow, but no such luck. I really hope it is a one day obligation..there are too many deadlines looming to be tied up for more than a day.

For the last few months, the hub has been asking if we could change cell phone plans. US Cellular didnt work as well in Alaska as some of his coworkers who had Verizon. We decided to switch and it wasnt cheap with the new phones..We will see how good of a decision this was in a couple weeks when the hub is back on the slope. The good news is we will pay off the new phones and the switch this month. We went with the new iphones. Not the most budget conscious decision weve ever made, but the hub was happy. I do find it easier to navigate than my old android was.

The hub made dinner tonight..super easy french dips with aus jus. It is nice to come home to a non-empty house and dinner made. Smile

6 Responses to “Jury Duty and Iphones”

  1. Swimgirl Says:

    Love my iphone. Yes, it's a luxury.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Welcome to apple. Smile

  3. Nika Says:

    Welcome, new converts, to our religion. The future is bright and glossy Smile

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Having an ipad already makes learning the iphone easy. It was just crazy expensive.. But so far, so good.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    Verizon is the only cell service that is consistent on the slope. Most slope workers end up switching to it. DH and I maybe get 3 dropped calls a year when we're talking and he's up there. Since we talk at least every other night, that's a pretty good ratio compared to what other services have, if they even have service up there at all (a lot do not).

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    LR- we had US Cellular which worked on calls just fine, but the hub coudnt get internet. The other guys recommended verizon. I never had an issue with US Cellular, but the hub really wanted to try Verizon...

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