Home > New budget...just not as exciting as the original one

New budget...just not as exciting as the original one

March 12th, 2013 at 03:12 am

I finaggled the budget, pulled the cruise savings out of ING (I refuse to call it the other name), and figured out how to payoff the tax bill by April 15th. And, I wont have to touch savings. $6500. poo. But, since there is no getting around it, I am grateful we have the means to pay it by the deadline.

I am not sure what the quarterly bill will look like, but I am hoping that I can squeeze the first quarter payment out of the budget...then we should be ok budget-wise. I was able to tweak things on paper and save $700 a month for a new quarterly tax bill. Next winter, when the hub is making extra in OT, I will be sure to set aside enough to cover this expense.

The good news is that I ddnt have to change much of the debt repayment plan. Vacation savings took a hit, as did extra savings for a few months..but I have a plan we can live with.

In May, I get to work over on the coast for 5 days, training staff. This means 4 nights at the condo!! Big Grin When Im not training, I will get to work at the condo, enjoying that wonderful view. What's not to LOVE about that? My work will require at least 1-2 days a month there otherwise.

The hub leaves for Alaska on Wed for another 4 week rotation. On Thur, DD3 arrives home from hers. It will be nice to see her again!

3 Responses to “New budget...just not as exciting as the original one”

  1. JulieA Says:

    I understand the poo feeling.

    Every time I hit one of these bumps I think back to the days when our "rescue" was running up the credit cards more and how terrible that made us feel. So not exciting no - and definitely a bummer, but still better.

    It is hard to celebrate Poo though.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Feels good to have a plan right?

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    You'll still get to do Alaska, it'll just be that much greater because of having to wait for it longer!

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