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What a sparkly dress can teach you about money

March 15th, 2008 at 05:30 am

I had an amazing experience tonight and I am so eager to share it with all of you.

I attended a Goodwill Awards Banquet. (My job buys two tables to the event and gives our staff an opportunity to go and support- the rest of the seats are donated back so others can attend at no charge.)

If you are not familiar, Goodwill assists and employs people who have disabilities (mental and physical) who may not have a chance at a productive life otherwise.

These were such delightful people, so sincerely grateful. The event is very heartwarming. Those who win awards often don't understand the boundaries of social acceptability...they simply understand that they are excited and want to express their excitement through emotions and gestures. Unspoiled by jealousy and envy- I learned so much observing those unabashed emotions of joy.

As one winner walked nervously up to accept her earlier winner "Mr. Spirit" loudly proclaimed "I REALLY like her"...and she broke into a huge smile and immediately forgot the nervous jitters, accepting her award and clapping because everyone else was.

Winners who proudly held up their trophies and awards with beaming ear to ear smiles...Most Friendly, Ms. Safety, Mr, Spirit, King of Service, Queen of Personal Growth. Very inexpensive rewards brought lifetime memories and glee.

So, how did the sparkly dress teach me about money?

I was walking to the restroom and just ahead of me was a young lady who clearly was enjoying her evening. Her hair was carefully combed, hairpins holding her bangs back. She was wearing heels, and it was obvious that, if this wasn't her first time in heels, it was very close to it. (very wobbly)...and she had on this very sparkly dress...and you could tell, she felt absolutely beautiful..confident..clearly this was her night. She was smiling and saying hello to everyone-

So I reciprocated her kindness and told her that she looked so pretty in her sparkly dress...and she looked at me said....

"Thank you, I got it out of the free bin"

the free bin...Goodwill....a young girl with challenges I will never fully understand...Beaming, feeling like a princess on her big night...with her sparkly dress from the free bin.

Lesson learned, Thank you God for that one.

10 Responses to “What a sparkly dress can teach you about money”

  1. aevans1206 Says:

    Ray how heartwarming and uplifting. What can't we all learn from that?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    That was beautiful, Ray!!

  3. pjmama Says:

    That really was beautiful. You just made my world a better place by sharing it Smile

  4. scfr Says:

    What a great story! Thank you for sharing it with us.
    You have already made my day much better and it's just getting started.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    Wonderful!! Thank you for sharing.

  6. monkeymama Says:

    That is great!

  7. Lady T Says:

    What a lovely story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  8. boomeyers Says:

    Put a smile on my face! Smile Love the way you tell a story my friend!

  9. snoopycool Says:

    That was so uplifting. Thank you for sharing that with us.

  10. Broken Arrow Says:

    That's a very sweet story, and a very good point!

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