Money and Travel
April 21st, 2012 at 05:58 pmIt is a gorgeous day in So Oregon.
The hub is back in Alaska. This past rotation, we ended up having to change his ticket home in order to fix a lost filling. Unfortunately, the flight home was the last weekend of spring changed ticket was a premium cost. Add in lost work and an extra night in a hotel..and that was one expensive filling. The good news is that the hub has enough miles that his next trip home is paid by frequent flyer that helped.
I thought we would have to pay taxes this year - but we are actually getting a refund. NICE. I love those kind of surprises!!
My daughter and I leave for Boston/NYC on Thursday. We are so excited! She has done a great job of finding fun, frugal things for us to do while we are there. The conference I am attending coordinated a sunset cruise in Boston harbor one night...and are providing a shuttle and 2 free drink coupoons per that will be fun!
All of our hotels, the Amtrak trip, and a few of the meals are already I just need to take spending for fun and taxis.
We hope to see the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Bldg, WTC site, Central Park, Times Square...and whatever else we can squeeze into two days. In Boston, I will be at the conference during the day so DD1 will be sightseeing solo and I have to enjoy vicariously through her.
I am taking the week before Memorial Day off. I looked back at my vacation time this last year and realized I had only taken long last full week off was last June when we had the 50th birthday party. WOW. No wonder I am feeling the need for some time off!! The hub will be home this week..and so we plan to spend the first four days in a rental home at the mountain resort we frequent. Then, do honey-dos around the house for the rest of the week and relax the rest of the time.
I am still looking forward to a meet up with some of you in July. As it gets closer we will have to firm up a place and time.
Lots of things to look forward to. Life is good!