Viewing the 'SIL' Category
April 23rd, 2013 at 03:58 am
The hub didnt waste any time starting on the work on the country house. He was out there today planning his attack.
I have to say, the idea of a simpler lifestyle is very intriguing. If we sale the city house, I could either take a less stressful or a part-time job. Just knowing the option is out there is fun to ponder. I loved it when I was home before, when I started this blog and was a work from home caretaker for my parents.. and I know I would enjoy more free time for grandbabies and less stress at work. But, over the next few months, there are plenty of changes coming, and work stress may let up a little through those changes. Obviously, if I stay at my current job, the ability to pay and save is expedited..so we will weigh the decision carefully for the next few months.
I have started a list of finishing details we need to make on this house that will need to be done before it can be put on the market.
Our initial goal is to clean and clear until the end of summer. That will give the hubs nephew 4 months to find a new place to go-and 4 more months to figure out finances to afford the repairs.
SIL continues to heal..and still has no news on the pathology tests. We will hopefully hear on Friday.
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2013 Goals,
April 19th, 2013 at 11:57 pm
I am so glad today is Friday. After two weeks of juggling work, hospitals, grandbabies, garage cleaning, etc. I am worn out..and to top it off, I think I picked up a bug of some sort along the way- or else there really is an elephant sitting on my chest! My voice is toast. I sound like a pubescent teen boy.
The hub got home last night, but I just saw him for about two minutes this morning before heading off to work. The big bed was overflowing with little ones last night....

so the poor hub just slept on the couch.
On Sunday, I am hanging a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the front door and we are going to have quiet time!!
SIL got out of the hospital today. We still dont have pathology results to know if he will be having chemo, but at least he is well enough to go home!
The hubs paycheck was $372 more than budgeted this week. In addition, the electricity bill was $80 less than budgeted...so I paid an extra $500 to CC4. I am on track to have that debt below $5k by year end!
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2013 Goals,
April 17th, 2013 at 02:23 am
Paying down debt really impacted my credit score. It has jumped 66 points in a little over 2 months! I am now what my credit union calls an A+ "borrower", although I have no plans to borrow!! (I started as a B)
My son's kids (ages 5 and 3) are in town. DD1 came and snatched them before I got off work so that they could play with their cousins. She is bringing them back in about an hour...I can't WAIT to see them!!
The tax checks cleared my account today. I paid the 2012 tax bill, plus my first quarter 2013 estimated taxes.
I am going to chat with the hub when he gets home about the long term finanial plan. The value on the city house is climbing back up, rather quickly. If it gets back to the price I paid for it, I may put it on the market. Saving that house payment would equal an earlier retirement- which somedays sounds very nice. When I add it up, my paychecks go towards the house and added expenses from it, the expedited debt repay, (which will be done by about year end), and the higher tax bracket we are in. Perhaps there is a better way if we think outside the box...look beyond what is comfortable and 'known' and consider the possiblities of "what if"...
Things will be changing at my job in June. I will finally get two extra employees to help with all that I am currently juggling., which should help with the stress. So I want to wait until at least then before making too many decisions, but the workload is just incredible, and if something doesnt give, I am ready to call 'Uncle".
SIL is getting better by the day. He still hasnt heard about the lymph nodes or whether chemo is in the future.
The hub will be home in three days. Its been 5 weeks..so ready to have him home for his two week break!!
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2013 Goals,
April 14th, 2013 at 10:13 pm
I am making split pea soup in the crockpot today. I love split pea soup and bought a ham on sale after Easter. It smells so yummy! No one else likes it, so I will have plenty for meals and to freeze.
When I was going through my moms things, I came across a candle warmer. I had a few candles that were ready to be tossed as the wicks were down too far to burn safely, and the warmer has given MANY extra hours of scent from the candles. (Thank you Nana!)
I have been doing laundry all day today. The grandkids used all my extra blankets while they were here and there was an accident or two. They also used some of them to build forts..and so I need to get all of them washed before my sons kiddos get here on Tuesday.
My work clothes are all ready for the week ahead. Towels are done. I am pretty much down to just a few more blankets and a few odds and ends.
SIL is doing a little better today. He hasnt been able to eat anything yet, but the plan is that he can start having some water this evening or tomorrow.
Quick update on Z-
It has been four weeks since Zs bio fam have tried to contact DD2 for a phone visit. Not sure what happened- the case worker hasnt spoke with them either.
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April 14th, 2013 at 04:39 am
Hello. A quick update on SIL. Yesterday, they cut a big L shape from navel to hip, to just under his rib cage,...Today they had him up and standing. It is amazing how quickly your body starts to heal.
Tomorrow, he will start walking a little. And the healing begins.
Again, thank you for all of the support here. This has been a gut wrenching week. The reassurance, advice and suggestions have been greatly appreciated.
One of the books I had reserved at the library came in and I picked it up today. Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. I have been anxious to sit down and start it, but DD2 came by with the kiddos after their visit with daddy this afternoon. I fed them all bbq burgers, then DD2 went in and took a nap- so I watched the three kiddos. Bathed, fed and ready for bed, they all just left a few minutes ago. This gramma is POOPED again.
I am keeping tomorrow OPEN for reading and laundry.
DD3 did a dump run today. It was $35 for all the 'stuff' that came out of the garage. Next will be a big donation to Goodwill, and then the organizing of the rest can begin. I took 'before' pics, tomorrow I will take 'during" pics and then when we are done, I will post before, during and after shots.
This upcoming week is going to be another busy one. DS kiddos (age 5 and 3) are coming up from Sacramento on Monday with their other grandparents, and then they are staying with me and DD3 Tue-Fri. I am SOOO excited to see them. This trip was planned before SIL went in the hospital- so the timing could be better, but I am sticking to the plan because I REALLY want to see them!
The hub gets home at midnight on Thursday, and gs's (age8, almost 9) birthday is Saturday.
Busy, busy, busy....but life is good.
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April 13th, 2013 at 03:58 am
The outpouring of friendship and support here is humbling. Thank you to all of you.
SIL (age 34) got out of surgery a couple of hours ago. The two masses were both cancer, but different types. He had two different surgeons, but they used the same incision. One took out his kidney, which had a golf ball sized mass in it (renal cell carcinoma) the other took his appendix which had a baseball sized mass of a cancer with a very long name,
and about a foot of colon.
I learned today that in the world of cancer, if you have two separate masses, it is better if they are different types because the cancers did not come from the same source and metasticize. So in a weird way, this was good news. He will most likely still have to undergo chemo. But he was a very lucky young man that he went to the ER when he did. The surgeons were surprized that he had two types and one rare, at such a young age.
Again, thank you for all the prayers and positive energy. Tonight we all feel relief that we know what the "demon" he was/is fighting.
Now the healing can begin!
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April 10th, 2013 at 04:35 am
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and positive energy. My SIL's test results did not come back looking good. They will biopsy the kidney tomorrow, but the doctor felt the likelihood this is cancer is 85%. The pivital point starts tomorrow when they determine if it is, and if so, what type. I kept Z tonight, so DD2 would just have to care about the older kiddos. I offered to keep them all, its been a long day, but she really wanted the older two with her. SIL was in shock, but determined to fight whatever this is. DD2 is exhausted.
On a side note, my other SIL came by and managed to fix BOTH cars today. So, I can return the rental tomorrow.
A few days ago, my big concern was cleaning a garage. Nothing like the possiblity of the C word to change your perspective 100%.
Again, thank you for your kindness.
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April 9th, 2013 at 05:04 pm
Yesterday, my SIL ended up in ER with abdominal pain. This pain has been constant since Thanksgiving. It was initially diagnosed as a parasite, and he has been treated with antibiotics and pain pills. Unfortunately, they found two masses with a scan yesterday. One on his kidney, the other on his appendix. He is having tests this morning and then, today or tomorrow, he is most likely having surgery.
There are so many who read these blogs that I am asking for prayers, good thoughts, positive energy, healthy vibes...whatever you believe in.
We will hopefully know more this afternoon.
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