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Archive for June, 2007
June 30th, 2007 at 05:26 pm
Happy Saturday!
I have been scratching my head in wonder as to why I have LESS money now that I am working. Granted, I bought a car...and we've been eating out more while my dad has been in and out of the hospital...But why the heck am I upside down at the end of the month.
I must first confess, that I do not monitor my accounts everyday...but I do check the balances at least weekly (I am trying to balance time and I just havent taken the time to monitor like I did pre-employment.)
So...I took a long look at one of my accounts yesterday and realized that I had accidentally schedule TWO weekly trasfers to the hubs business account instead of just one.
Hmm...he is getting double what he is supposed to get and "suprisingly" (yeah right) hasnt said anything...lol
So, I am happy to report that I have transferred the excess back into the household fund and we have ample excess again.
Now, there are so many morals to this story I don't know which to start with.
1. Keep better track of the accounts and where the money is going. Luckily, I was able to easily retrieve those over payments.
2. QUIT spending so much money on dining out. Feeding my family dinner for under $5 should continue to be my goal!!
3. Retrain my brain and focus on saving again.
Today, I am making a big ol batch of soup and we are bbqing chicken for dinner. So, for today, I think I am on the right track.
Family Update:
Papa is still well and doing good.
I have GS for the weekend.
I also have DJ---my daughters lil long haired chihuahua (sp?) hes too darn cute.
So, a busy, but fun weekend!
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June 28th, 2007 at 03:32 am
Wow, what a difference this day made!!
In addition to my new job...I am now a supervisor (of one other employee)!! and I received a $200 a month raise!!
wow. I did not expect this kindof change...but I am looking forward to the added responsibility. My new employee seemed pleased with the change...she and I have worked well together the past couple of months.
Now I need to tweak the budget...I think for now I will put this money into an emergency fund and get that built back up.
With all the craziness and added fast food, etc...the budget has taken a hit.
The hub has been doing some side jobs so his business account finally has a balance. His plan is to presale some of the seasoned madrone this summer and pay for a few loads of new wood for next season.
My dad is having a good week. Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes. They have been very much appreciated.
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June 24th, 2007 at 05:13 pm
My dad is coming home today! He is strong enough to come home, although he will continue to be under medical supervision via home health care.
Ironically, our local paper has a very heated discussion going on in the forums about the rights of smokers vs. non-smokers. Gads. If they could all just spend a few minutes with my dad and see the effects of COPD (from years of 40 years of smoking... which he quit 20 years ago!)
Anyway, back to this blog. I am thrilled to have my dad back home again...I hope he and my mom enjoy some quality time. The doctors have asked them both to think about whether he wants to return to the hospital next time, or if he wants to be made comfortable at home....but that is a worry for another day.
My 401k continues to grow nicely. I am contributing 15% of my pay and my employer contibutes 8%...so it is growing at a nice pace.
We managed to eat all meals at home this weekend. Tonight we are bbq-ing steaks...I found a great sale recently and stocked up. Last night we bbq-d the whole chopped veggie, rice and meat with soy sauce...kinda fun twist to a Japanese meal...and it was fantastic. Ordinarily, I wouldnt have steak two nights in a row...but we had a large pack of steaks and decided to marinate the remainder in a Chicago marinade (yum) for tonight.
Besides...my dad will be home and he loves bbq-d steak.
I am still LOVING my job. I am enjoying the people I work with and having such a wonderful time learning my new duties...I can't believe I've been back to work 2 1/2 months!! Last week was stressful...I organized a 3 day planning session for 20 people and had to arrange facilities, food, etc...However, it all went off without a hitch...and now I can get back to my usual routine.
I cancelled a 2 week trial to blockbuster last night...and started a 2 week trial with netflix. We enjoyed a free movie night after the wonderful dinner.--It felt great to eat inexpensively and to enjoy some free entertainment.
And to top everything off, I did laundry yesterday and got to hang it all outside to dry for free! Life is good.
Its gonna be a gorgeous day today!!
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June 22nd, 2007 at 04:51 am
Ok, here is my story....
I have decided that I need a past-time. The husband works nights, the teen is busy doing teen stuff...and I am spending way too much time home alone in the evenings.
So, I have a couple of ideas.
1. Take a class. I think I might like to take a class...I know I could use a written grammar brush-up with this position Im in...I just have to go through some sort of college test and enroll and then pay some money to take the class...
2. A part time job...um, no. at least I think no....maybe?
3. Join a gym. The gym would get me moving...and maybe help me continue on my size 12 journey...which I achieved and then lost within a couple of weeks due to alot of unplanned fast food...more on this later.
However....the gym that is convenient is clearly designed for those size 2-8 under 30 folks...um, not me.
Any size 2-8 under 30 folks on this site who care to share insight of the middle aged (46) year olds who really need to move more...and whether they are welcome or not in said gym?
Let's just say, I didnt get the warm fuzzies when I stopped by to check it out this afternoon...and left after NO ONE asked if they could help me... to their credit...I guess I should add that I didnt ever see anyone who appeared to be working during the entire two minutes I hung around with the other patrons...did I mention I was a little self-consious??
Ok...so gym may be out....part-time job is probably out, since I am not sure I want to commit to anyone right now. Classes...well, that is still a maybe.
Family update- my dad is back in the hospital. He spent most of this week in ICU...but is in a regular room today. When he comes home, it will be assisted...not sure what that means.
Ideas on groovy things to do when you are in a semi empty, very lonely nest??
Am I really too old (or fat) for the gym???
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June 18th, 2007 at 02:37 am
We came up with plan "b" today when papa wasn't up to going out.
DH decided to "japanese' style our bbq. I made some jazimine rice, cut up some zuccini and onions...and added some soy sauce to the bbqd steak...end result, a meal that would easily compete with a japanese meal any day...
Papa was much too weak to go out, but still enjoyed a great meal with family. Cost, much less than it would have been...without comprimising taste...or using too much energy for papa...win/win actually...and as an added benefit...we got to play with the grandbabies too!!
What a great, inexpensive day...with all the joy a day can hold.
I hope your fathers day easily rivaled ours!
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June 14th, 2007 at 03:51 am
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June 10th, 2007 at 05:21 am
Woke up next to a sleeping 3 year old and a recovering-from-the-flu husband.
Let me just say, today was much better.
How sweet it is to have my parents both home and happy to be back together after each having a hospital stay.
GS loved his day with us. I made nana and papa breakfast, got them dressed, brought their laundry down here to do..cleaned their house, and then let them just "be together at home" while I did their laundry and made GS waffles. and made a big batch of pasta e fagioli soup. (yum)
Went to town, shopped for groceries, came home, more laundry (none of mine today, however)...then, made dinner for nana and papa, and then we took GS for an ice cream. His mom just picked him up (9pm) and now, we are (fianlly) vegging.
The weather was a nice, 70 degrees with a little rainfall today.
Tomorrow, my laundry...and housework...and then a nice bbq at home..thanks to a great sale on steaks todaY!!!...
I am so greatful for having BOTH parents at home....and my mortgage payment safely paid!! gads...oh, and Anna has 'the operation' scheduled for next week too...(so no more puppies.)
I sure hope Im not forgetting anything important!!!
g'nite friends. Again, thank you for all your kind thoughts...Julie, I am more than willing to adopt you if youd like!!!
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June 9th, 2007 at 03:16 am
Thank Goodness it's Freakin' Friday!
Papa is home..
Nana is home...
DD2 is all better...
and I survived!!!
For tonight, it's all good...
Oh guys, I am a financial failure lately. This morning, Im standing in my kitchen thinking..."It must be close to the end of the month, I need to get the money into the account for my home loan to process..."...that's end of month = May.
What the heck happened to the end of MAY??? SH(*T
So...I hurry into town, pick up nana from the hospital...the hospital has lost her clothes...she is frantic...and they take out the IV and she bleeds all over the clothes I brought her...nothing we can do, but take her all blood stained to dialysis...
Get her to dialysis...she is weak, sick to her tummy and her BP is through the roof...I rush off to work, call papa en-route...he sounds so weak, but is so excited to be coming home...I will pick him up at noon...then nana, then, get meds, lunch , and head home and figure out how to get them up those 4 stairs on their porch...but that's in 3 hours...
for now, I have this home loan to deal with...
Get to the bank, walk up to the teller...and lose it. We're talking major melt down in a public place. gads.
Get tissue, wipe eyes and manage to conjure up..."is my loan payment LATE".
Her answer...music to my ears...NO, you have a 15 day grace and you're well within...me... "OK sniff, Id sniff like to sniff pay it sniff now"...
Ok, tonight is all about unwinding (GS is spending the night again...so a little gramma time too), but tomorrow, is all about budget and bills...and a few loads of laundry...after, of course, I bathe, dress and feed my parents- who I am so lucky to still have!!!
Hugs to all of you for your kind thoughts. You are truly a blessing in this tired, stressed life of mine!!!
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June 7th, 2007 at 04:40 am
"Your dad can go home on Friday".
Music to a daughters ears. He is still very weak, but he is coming home.
"This is going to an outpatient surgery"
My mom is having surgery tomorrow...I am hoping, hoping that it goes well and is indeed the outpatient surgery they expect (last time, she almost bled out and spent several days in in the hospital...)
"Mom, Im running a 102 fever...and the doc just said strep throat"
DD2, who was supposed to take charge of my parents care for the next three days is suddenly OUT of commission....
Followed by: "can you keep GS tonight"
so me and GS are having a sleep over---he is presently watching 'sponge bob'.
"If I really need you here, Ill let you know- otherwise, take as much time as you need"
My new boss...who understand a dad in the hospital, a mom having surgery and a daughter (single mom with child)with strep throat.
phrases I hope to hear tomorrow:
your dad is well enought to go home tomorrow...your moms surgery went just fine...mom, Im all better...."I wuv you gramma"...
"you won the lottery" would be welcome too...
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June 5th, 2007 at 06:17 am
I have held it together pretty well guys...right up until I read all of your kind replies...and I honestly lost it--I simply can not explain how grateful I am for your kind support.
Papa is hanging in there...he is still in the hospital, they have found a spot on his lung that is suspect of cancer...but neither he nor my mom want to test it and know for sure...their reasoning, why bother there is nothing that c an be done now anyway.(he is simply too weak for any treatment). He still cant stand or walk to get to the bathroom on his own...so I am not sure when he will be getting his 'get out of jail free card'. In the meantime, nana is having to have surgery on Thursday to get a new fistula.
I did celebrate my 46th birthday on Sunday. I spent the day with good friends and family...and my dad was here to wish me a happy birthday...so what else in the world could I possibly ask for?? absolutely nothing.
I am still LOVING my job. I have the very best 'boss'...he is an amazing person who is quite the natuaral leader...and my job is to help him stay organized and to help him be the best he can be.
Oh---pretty cool. Today I had an opportunity to pre-order tickets to the Nutcracker Ballet for December 23. I am going to take all the 'girls' in my family as a Christmas treat!! My job does a nice donation to the local theatre...and so we get early dibs on the seasons tickets...I am sooo excited to be able to do this!!! The tickets were $26.50 each...but because I have 1/2 year saved in my Christmas Club account...I am able to cover the cost easily!! ((((Have you opened your Christmas account yet???...if not, why not??))))
I hope you all are doing well.
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