August 18th, 2009 at 06:19 am
My son and dil learned today that their new addition is a boy!!! They are the parents of my gd who was recently diagnosed with JRA. Theyve been so focused on taking care of her that they were not sure they wanted to know the sex of this baby....but now, they are very excited about this news!! This means that my three older children will each have a boy and a girl! 6 grandbabies at 48. WOW.
The hub is en route tonight. He will get home in about an hour and a half...he has been traveling all day long, so I am sure he will be pooped. He will be home for two weeks...then back to Alaska he goes. While he is home we will celebrate his birthday with a bbq here at the new house. Our first gathering!! We also have 3 other birthday (2) and DD2/gd (4) share a birthday all the first week of September...busy time for us for sure!!!
Lots of fun coming up!!
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general thoughts
August 16th, 2009 at 03:26 pm
Buying and updating a house is EXPENSIVE, time consuming, hard work, frustrating...and very rewarding.
I have gotten everything done that I wanted with the new house...except the kitchen. I have $$ set aside to do most of it...since other stuff cost more than Id planned, I will need (?)...(um, ok- am choosing) to use a credit card to finish...
The good news is that our new budget will provide for that being paid off fairly quickly.
I LOVE THE HOUSE. I love the convenience of being closer to work, stores, library, etc.
Even though it has taken more $$ than I anticipated, Id do it again, no doubt.
On a different note...our grandaughter was diagnosed with JRA. She turns two next month. When she can walk, it is with a noticable limp. She will be getting a steroid shot in her knee next month, which if it goes well, may put the arthritis into remission for up to a year...(?) However, this is the type that can cause blindness, so she will have to have her eyes tested every 3 months... We dont have a pediatrician here who specializes in arthritis, so the kids have to drive 5 hours each way for treatment. I have asked the other 3 grandparents to chip in with me to buy airline tickets so that the kids arent taking extra days off for these trips.
This is the first child in our family thats ever had a serious health issue. It is so hard to see a small child struggle...and hard to watch her parents cope with it.
The hub comes back for two weeks tomorrow. He has been at this job for almost 3 months now. He still loves it, and I have stayed so busy that the time he is gone has flown, it seems to be working.
I do notice that I am watching much less tv and I have taken up reading again...which I love. Right now I am reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett" far its excellent.
By the way, even though I havent posted much lately...I am trying to read your blogs as often as possible!!
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general thoughts