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Archive for March, 2012
March 23rd, 2012 at 05:10 pm
I heard back from Boomeyers, and she isnt sure she can make it in July.
I put in for July 12/13 off from work. I plan to go to Sacramento on the 12th and head to San Fran the morning of the 13th. (Decided to drive)
Let me know if the 13th works for everyone...and we can start an off-line discussion to firm up details.
I am really looking forward to this!!!
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March 20th, 2012 at 04:20 am
The lil foster guy is doing much better. I know antibiotics are sometimes overused...but this is one case where they were VERY valuable. He looked MUCH better today. He turned one in January..he still isnt walking, but he has learned to stand on his own. His hip is not aligned correctly, probably from those first few months before foster care that he lived in his car seat...He is an adorable lil boy.
DD3 stopped by after I got off work. Last night I made a batch of rosemary & lemon chicken for meals this week. She was amazed at how quickly a meal comes together when the main course is ready to pop in the microwave. We had baked potatoes and broccoli with the chicken. Took about 10 min total to prepare and for about $3 we had a great, quick meal!
I am so excited about meeting up with those of you who can make it. I sent Boomeyers another message about her dates...hopefully we can firm things up a little soon!!
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March 16th, 2012 at 05:02 am
Dd1 is having fun putting our plans together for New York and Boston. She has found some fun touristy type things to sign up for, has booked Amtrak, hotels, and has started building our itenerary. We are going to have so much fun!!
I am also anxious for the SA gathering in the Bay area of Cali this July. I am very excited to finally meet several blogging sisters!!
DD2 had to take the foster baby boy to ER tonight..so I have GS. foster baby has signs of the flu, but also asthma and possible bowel obstruction. Poor little guy. They are still at er. GS is sound asleep in the "big bed" (grammas bed)...so I will need to get up a little early to take him home in the am.
I am really ready for the weekend. Its been a tough, heartbreaking week...and a break sounds good.
The former houseguest came by and got the rest of her stuff tonight. I am glad this is fully resolved - and without issue.
Well, since I need to get up early...its time for bed.
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March 14th, 2012 at 07:58 pm
First, thank you everyone for your kind words on my last couple of posts. I really appreciate you!
I am excited about the prospect of meeting fellow bloggers this summer in California...we should get some dates picked and I love the Giardelli idea in San Fran...but Napa sounds equally great too!! I am open to what works for everyone else.
I learned yesterday that a young lady who grew up with my kids lost her husband last week. (I have blogged about her mom, my friend, who has been battling breast cancer this year)... He was only 28. They have two small boys. It looks like it was a medical issue that started suddenly and ended his life even quicker. They do not know all of the details yet...except that he had started having stomach pains earlier in the week and the medical center (Loma Linda) had not diagnosed it yet when he died...sadly he died alone in his truck in a fairly remote area with no opportunity to say goodbye to his family.
I have no words for the sadness this brings.

Makes most everything else insignificant right now.
Somewhat on topic, I did plan meals this week so I have had two no spend days in a row. Last night DD3 came over for chicken piccata - it was really yummy- and I had everything we needed except an onion, which she picked up for us. Tonight I am having dinner at an awards banquet, so it is no cost to me. Nothing planned the rest of the week.
There has been a little frustration in finalizing the former houseguest's departure. She has called to say she is coming by to pick up her things, then doesnt show. But then gets upset when I cant (wont) change my plans to fit her schedule....So I have asked her to come by tomorrow (Thurs) night after work to get everything...if she does not, I will be moving it outside and subsequently setting it out on trash day. I hate being this way, but I also hate being taken advantage of.
And so post 1000 comes to a close...wish it could have been more upbeat, but life doesnt always follow our desires...does it...
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March 11th, 2012 at 08:20 pm
1. I need to keep my inhaler nearby. Yesterday, DD1 and I went for a walk on a hill nearby. Bottom to top and back to bottom is about a 3 mile loop. Im sadly out of shape, so we were going to just do 1 mile. It is uphill first, then down hill back. about halfway into the walk, I started feeling my breathing labor more than it should have and had the first inkling that walking without the inhaler wasnt such a good idea. We kept walking anyway...about 200 yards from our destination, I suggested turning around to head back down to the car, thinking that downhill would be ok. I learned that asthma really doesnt care what youre doing. When it kicks in, breathing is tough..the more I tried to breathe, the more I coughed and get light headed. GS and I stopped and DD1 went on down to get the car...but my inhaler was at home..so another 5 minutes before relief. I have never had it get that out of control and it scared the crud out of me. I wont make that mistake again.
DD2, my pharmacy tech kiddo, was here and she told me how to get my inhaler way less expensive...Instead of $70 per, I will get one year for $25 per. So much better!!
#2. Its a fine line between helping and enabling. I have had young girl living in my house for a little over a year. Initially, she was supposed to pay $25 per week and help out around the house. However, she wanted to focus on college and was pulling pretty good grades. At first, things went pretty well...but over the course of the year, her help slowed and the number and quality of classes she was taking slipped considerable (two yoga classes and one psych this term). Then, I found a stash of pot and a whole bunch of supplies. I guess Im pretty naive..but that was the straw that broke it for me. She moved out last weekend. Unfortunately, she doesnt connect the dots from her choices to her circumstances. I sure hope her family jumps in with some tough love.
#3 Garbage in, garbage out. I didnt plan meals last weekend...and ended up eating fast food a couple of days. I have really gotten away from it and now I see why. I felt like crud after eating each time. So I am sitting down to make my plan for the coming week. It was frustrating to spend $8-10 for a meal, only to feel crummy afterwards.
DD2's washer broke several weeks ago and the part is backordered- so she has been coming over on weekends to do her laundry. I usually do my laundry on the weekend, so I am behind...but I did get to spend time with grandbabies...so spending today catching up is worth it. Cool thing was while DD1 and I were walking yesterday, DD2 stayed here and did her laundry...but she also cleaned the kitchen and living room. So I am very thankful.
The hub is back up in Alaska, and it sounds like they are having some serious weather. Wind, temperature, etc. He has been working crazy long hours...but because of the weather advisory, will be taking a break this afternoon and tpnight and hopefully getting some rest.
I borrowed book three of the Hunger Game trilogy on my kindle...once I get shopping, laundry and prep work done, I plan to snuggle in and enjoy the book.
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March 11th, 2012 at 01:48 am
Tomorrow will mark six years for me here at savings advice. WOW. Each year, on the eve of my blogoversary, I send out an invite to all of you who read the blogs, but have never signed up and joined us. (I believe the term is lurkers, but I have never liked that term...)
This is an amazing group of frugal folks...from novice to pro...I have gained so much knowledge from my time here.
But to me, more importantly, I have developed some INCREDIBLE friendships in these past six years. We have celebrated together, cried together, and saved together...I am hoping next month to meet up with one of our fellow bloggers when my daughter and I go to Boston/New York!! (My very first meet with a fellow blogger!)...and hope to meet another in July when she comes to the west coast.
For those of you pondering whether or not to join, I say with great confidence to do so...you will be supported on your financial journey!! And you might even make some great new friends!!
I love that I have a record of 1000 blogs for the past six years as my family grew with grandbabies...and with the final months with my parents...entries to remind me of the good times, and struggles, and events of daily life!
To all of our savings advice family...THANK YOU for all of the friendship, hugs and support the last 6 years...it has been AMAZING - and I look forward to many many more years to come.
Again...if you are thinking about it...JUST DO IT...we enjoy our newbies...and learning about you!!
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March 6th, 2012 at 05:19 am
I have signed up for a training and get to go to Boston next month. I have a mileage plan that had an offer to buy a companion ticket for $99- (my job is paying my expenses)...since the hub will be in Alaska that week, I asked DD1 to go with me. We are both so excited. We decided to go for a few extra days and take the train to New York. Neither of us have ever been to the East Coast..so this a true adventure.
DD1 is charged with figuring out where we are going to stay and what we will do in New York. I have to pay for those 3 nights...my job is paying for the other 3 that we will be in Boston. She will have the two days I am in classes to tour Boston.
So fun!!
I am not sure how much to budget..I have heard its expensive in both places...especially for meals.
The hub is heading back to Alaska Wed, so DD1 and I will probably sit down this weekend to start putting the plan together.
My mom has been gone two years today. Hard to believe. My dad used to buy her cut flowers and when he got too sick to do it, my mom would buy them for him to enjoy...so this morning, I stopped and picked up some pink and white tulips for my desk. It made me smile to think of them...much better than feeling blue all day.
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