July 27th, 2009 at 02:41 am
GD went to the doctor on Friday, but it will be at least a couple more weeks before we learn something definate. In the meantime, we are hoping and praying that her knee is just injured and will heal- making this just an unnerving waiting game.
This weekend was not a frugal one. I have been getting things for the new house and BOY, it adds up quickly. Also, I went so long without replacing furniture that I am opting to buy some new things for the new house. I think it will be really nice when I am done...but all this spending is making my head spin.
Yesterday, I had a stroke of luck...Our local radio show had an auction going...and I scored bigtime when I bought $600 in gift certificates for $330 that I was planning on buying some of our furniture from. That was an instant savings of almost 50%! Used the certificates today and they worked perfectly.
The wood floors are almost installed and the carpet in the bedrooms will be installed on Tuesday. Electrical work was done yesterday and the drywall/painint will be finished this week. So...the big project left is the kitchen.
I got to meet Bill Engvall last night...even got a pic with him!!! The show was very funny...and free!!
Today I spent with my mom and girls...and bought the dining set and couch/loveseat.
Tonight I am relaxing and getting ready for the week ahead.
All in all, an expensive, but good weekend.
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general thoughts
July 24th, 2009 at 04:58 pm
One of my grandaughters (22 months) has a potentially serious symptom that showed up this week. Her knee has swollen for no reason. They have ruled out infection and will be testing for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis this afternoon. Boy, it is a whole differnt ball game when you not only have a sick baby...but also have to watch two young parents deal with the pain and helplessness of having their baby sick. Her appointment is in about 5 hours...
Hopefully I can post this afternoon that this was a much less serious symptom.
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general thoughts
July 24th, 2009 at 04:06 am
First of all, I have to thank all of you that post regularly here...my primary form of entertainment the last week has been reading your blogs on my blackberry at night as I have been settling into the new house and waiting for internet...which was turned on TODAY!
The new house became ours one week ago today. We ripped out all the flooring and took out a wall that day. And each day we have been doing what we can until the new flooring is installed this weekend. Tomorrow our satellite tv service is being installed. Once the flooring is installed I will finish moving. This past week, we have been living on dusty plywood floors with the bare essentials. Ironically, my friend from California came to visit and stayed with me...it was interesting to entertain with minimal towels, dishes, etc. But we had a great time. She (and her hub) left early this morning..so tonight is my first home alone night in the new place.
Hopefully, I will get to move in completely in the next two weeks.
The hub had his first homecoming and left again Sunday for a month. Things were so busy while he was home and the time flew by. He is loving his new job...and we found out Monday that he got a $7 an hour raise!!! (he was supposed to get $3, but they decided he has the experience to earn the going rate...) Holy smokes!! The way his hours work, that is a $30k a year raise!!! He is now making almost TRIPLE what he made here.
I am loving our new home. The lady who owned it before me was elderly and took very good care of her yards and flowers...she has some beautiful things growing here. It is so peaceful on the back porch in the evenings.. I have a gardener coming on Saturday to give me a bid. I have never taken care of a yard like this and do not want to kill it...so I plan to hire someone to help teach me...Sadly, the previous owner got very sick during escrow and passed away a few days before the closing...her funeral was on the day her home became mine. Not only do I want to enjoy the yards, I feel a resposibility (to her)to make sure they are cared for.
The Fair is this week...and on Saturday night I get to go see Bill Engvall. He is so funny- I am really looking forward to it. My job got free tickets, so it wont cost anything. (even better!!)
I have to say, lately....life is good!!!
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July 6th, 2009 at 05:50 am
The hub will be home tomorrow night for his two weeks off. Hard to believe its been 4 weeks since he left. If all goes well, the new house will close escrow on the 16th and we can get some things done there before he heads back to Alaska on the night of the 19th.
I am saving as much as I can to pay for the upgrades, etc. that I want to do at the new house. Hard to believe that after 15 years in this house, I am moving...but I am looking forward to it--very excited, actually.
Lots of things happening in the next couple of weeks...
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general thoughts