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Archive for June, 2009
June 28th, 2009 at 07:01 pm
The hub will be home in a week. The last month has flown by, primarily because of all the things that have happened.
First, DD3 had surgery. She is recovering nicely and started back to work Friday night. She is still sore, so she's taking it easy. Her whole disposition has changed- I am sure it is part surgery, part counseling, part getting creepy boyfriend out of the picture. She learned that after she broke up with him, he started doing hard drugs and has gotten into some serious trouble. THANK GOD she realized his demons were bigger than her and she made the break. Unfortuantely, we decided that a restraining order was in order...but thankfully, he now legally can have no contact with her. Honestly, for a family that has no history with drugs, this feels like we are in the twilight zone. Its been a blessing and a nightmare....but thankfully, it is behind us.
Second, the new house. Everything is progressing nicely and I am hoping that we can push the escrow up a week so that we take possession while the hub is here. I am so excited about this.
Finally, nana. Oh boy. She has recovered from her surgery, but she is NOT ok with my move. She has told me that I am letting my dad down by not taking care of her, she has said she has nothing to live for now, she has her doctor concerned that they need to bring in senior services to see what I am doing, she feels like I am deserting her and will not see this any other way. I dont know what else to do or say...I have every intention of making sure she is taken care of. sigh.
Financially, the hub is making amazing money...and when he returns after his two weeks off, he will be making $3 more an hour. Expenses here are much less now. Dinners have been really cheap...usually and artichoke or sandwich for me. I went to Costco yesterday...only spent $6.99, which was for a big tub of red grapes. I have NEVER been to Costco for under $50-100!
This first two weeks home will be expensive. He is wanting some things in Alaska to help pass the time...ie, a tv and an ipod. I can certainly understand why, so, we will get them. He also wants to ship some stuff up there- not sure what yet.
And as a slurge, I made an appointment for a full hour side-by-side massage for us. I think it will be a wonderful treat that we will both enjoy.
The kids/grandkids are all out of town this weekend, so it has been quiet. Plan to sort and pack today.
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June 23rd, 2009 at 05:16 am
Today was a no-spender. I typically just take coffee creamer to work (fat free Hazelnut) and my job supplies the coffee. And that's ususally my breakfast...I know, not very healthy, but it sure is good.
Last week there was a sale on some frozen breakfast sandwiches (weight watchers and they're not too bad) and lunches. $1.88 for two sandwiches (which makes it under a buck for breakfast) or 1 entree....which is way cheaper than the $5-8 I usually spend. So I bought enough to last for breakfast and lunch this week. It is nice to just pop one in the microwave and eat a quick lunch then have plenty of the hour left over to go wander somewhere...library, park, etc.
I got home and had leftovers for dinner.
So, a nice cheap day today. However, tomorrow I will need gas- so it won't be a no-spender.
I have worked out a new budget based on estimates for the hubs take home pay and the new house...and everything is penciling out nicely. We should be able to pay down the debt and sock away for his retirement well.
DD3 is doing great. She has weaned off the pain pills and is getting back into her routine. She is so much happier now that the surgery is behind her...
The hub will be home for his time off in two weeks. It will be nice to have him here...He loves his new job...so I think this routine is our new reality for a while. and thats ok too. Because we have always worked opposite shifts, this is not a major change really.
Life is good.
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June 22nd, 2009 at 04:40 am
We are 5 weeks away from owning house #2. The home inspection went well. There are a few issues, none of which were deal-breakers on either side...so now, we order the appraisal.
DS and I talked about the business arrangement for the new house today. He will rent one of the rooms, be in charge of the major repairs, and upkeep the yards for his half of the partnership...we will pay the lions share of the mortgage and pay for upkeep. I think we are both happy with the arrangement. Luckily, DS is either skilled at the repair or is friends with someone who is...so we should be able to accomplish all updates for a very affordable price.
The hub is due home in two weeks. He should find out tomorrow what times I can schedule flights for. I am looking forwared to having him home for a couple of weeks. I think this new schedule will work ok for us. His first paycheck came last friday and it looks like he will be paid very well while he works at this company...so our budget should pencil out well.
DD3 is doing GREAT after surgery. She is almost back to normal. She can start showering again tomorrow, which will make her very happy. She got out of the house for several hours today- which did much to lift her spirits...Best of all, she seemes to be DONE with creepy BF.
Tomorrow is back to work...Does anyone else find it amazing that weekends fly by so quickly???
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June 17th, 2009 at 11:58 pm
The surgery went well. DD3 will be bandaged for a couple of weeks so she wont fully see the results until then. She is sleeping, and probably will on and off until the anethesia wears off (tomorrow, most likely). She was a great little patient. I am very proud of her!
So, since I took the day off and she is resting peacefully, I am using the time to tidy up and peruse the net. I did make her some jello just incase she wakes up and wants something lite to eat. DD3 invited a friend over to stay until Saturday--she will be taking care of DD3 while I work tomorrow and Friday.
The home inspection for the new house is Friday afternoon. It is costing $300 but for the peace of mind, I think it is well worth it. I want to know that there arent any major issues. I will be taking my camera and snapping lots of pictures. I will try to post some this weekend.
If all goes well with the inspection, we will order an appraisal, which will help determine if I got a good deal. (I think I did!)
Well, time to get back to broom and mop.
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June 17th, 2009 at 06:18 am
I timed my new commute from work to the new home tonight...11 minutes...If I forget something at the grocery store...3 minutes...I can WALK to Olive Garden.
DD3's surgery is tomorrow. She is nervous and excited. I am sure all will go well. I am looking forward to taking her shopping for some new clothes when she is recovered!!
Other good news...she broke up with creepy, contolling boyfriend finally. (yay!) He was not healthy for her and I am THRILLED that it looks like she is moving on.
The hub is liking Alaska. He enjoys the job. Right now it is 24 hours of daylight where he is at. He should be coming home on July 6 for two weeks...but we arent sure yet. Not sure when the first paycheck will arrive (they have to mail the first one and then it should be direct deposit), so I have no idea how much to budget...our expenses are a lot less (especially groceries)...I hope in the next week a paycheck will arrive and I will have a better idea for what to expect.
Life is very good...perhaps I should have someone pinch me??? No, Ill just bask in the goodness for now.
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June 15th, 2009 at 12:59 am
Nana is not happy that I am making this change. I wont go into all of the mean things she has been saying, or all of the victim statements she has made...but this morning when she implied that I lied to my dad when I promised him that I would take care of her....I exploded. I am moving closer to town for a plethora of good reasons...but she see it only as a desertion to her.
I have no intention of disserting her or not making sure she is ok, everyday. I am doing something I want to do. So ouch. Implying otherwise and telling me a am letting my dad down...is just way, way harsh. It's going to take some time to forgive that one.
My job hosted our annual picnic in the park today for staff and their families. It was great fun. I took a lemon cake as my donation. The food was fantastic, and the friendship, well just fun!
I bought an artichoke for dinner. I am not really that hungry, so I thought an artichoke would hit the spot. I am going to make a batch of oatmeal for breakfast this week and have left overs from this weekend for the next couple of night's dinners. Thankfully, this week is not busy like last week was. I dont have any evening plans at all.
And no more babysitting until next Saturday night....so, let the unwinding begin!! (well, in between packing that is)
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June 14th, 2009 at 05:24 am
The sellers accepted my offer today without any changes...so it looks like I will be moving in August. I am excited and terrified at the same time. Another house payment is very scary, but it is a tax write off and an investment...and if the hub decides he wants to come home, we can always rent the new house to one of the kids.
On the other hand, I am so looking forward to things like a 10 minute commute, 5 minutes to the store and library, city water that is reliable and drinkable, PIZZA DELIVERY on super tired nights, new flooring that does not have evidence of puppies, dogs, and mechanic hubs...FAR FEWER MOSQUITOES, a walk in closet, insulated everything which will keep the spiders and critters out, a beautiful patio and backyard...and on, and on....
I am babysitting tonight and I have FINALLY got the kiddos to bed, so now it is time to relax!!
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June 13th, 2009 at 06:12 am
Week One..
The hub flew to Alaska and I went to work. Met with our lending officer and get pre-approved for a second home. (wow, it was very easy!!) Stopped by DD1s to discuss whether or not they REALLY want to move into this house. End result, no. They want a place to call their own, but this big house and acreage are really more than they want to tackle at this stage in their life. On the drive home, I let DD2 know that she has the green light to move into the house if thats something they really want. (whew) Got home and our black lab was injured pretty badly. DD2 and her SO come out and take him to the emergency vet...$195 and then home until they can get him into the lower priced vet in the morning. Nana calls, she is in pain-- advised her to take a pain pill and get some sleep.
Nana needs surgery. SOON. Get her scheduled for Thursday. DD2 gets dog to vet and they want to keep him for a few days...$111. DD2 and her SO waste NO TIME in coming by to start cleaning out the house. I looked at two homes today...but not sure about either really.
Follow nana to town as she is on pain meds until surgery. Meet realtor at a home at lunch and FALL IN LOVE with it. (Needs new flooring and counter tops, but it is priced very low and is a great floor plan with beautiful front and back yards...I am willing to pay for the needed upgrades) Ask realtor to write up an offer. (Egads, did I really do that??)
Nana has surgery and I get a call from the realtor...so far the offer is being met favorably by the sellers. Once we get the final paperwork signed and back from the hub, the offer can be 'officially' submitted. The hub calls to say that his pay will be substantially more than we originally thought because of overtime. Plus, he will get paid weekly! (this is what was happening at his old job, so it will be easy enough to redo the budget.)
Realtor gets final offer paperwork back from the hub and gets it to the sellers. tick, tock, tick, tock...they will be letting me know for sure tomorrow...WOW.
Stay tuned!
I have been running like crazy all week. Dogs, nana, work, etc. Tomorrow, I am sitting with two of the grandbabies...GD (3) and GS (10 mo)..who by the way crawled for the first time today!! How cute is that???
Sunday, is MY day. Can't wait...I plan to savor every moment of it!
The more I think about moving into town, the more excited I get.
DD3s surgery is next Wednesday. We are getting pretty excited about it!!!
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June 11th, 2009 at 05:55 am
The hub flew out yesterday morning and spent most of the day traveling and completing all the new job paperwork yesterday.
Then, they flew him from Anchorage to Prudhoe Bay today. He just called to say he is there and in his room...his new 'home'. Of course, since he left, his dog was injured and is in the dog hospital tonight (he fought with a chain link fence and the fence won...lots of stitches), my mom learned she needs urgent surgery (tomorrow), I have been approved for a home loan, I found a home I like, and DD2 has started working on this house and preparing it for the transition...hard to believe that just 3 short weeks ago this wasnt really even a blip on the radar.
The prospect of living closer to work is very appealing. I live about 25 minutes from work now...and will live within 5 if this house works out. An extra hour per day will be nice.
I am still getting back into the work routine...so much has been going on that Im pooped.
My posts are so sporadic-but I am paddling as fast as I can and having a hard time keeping up with the day to day stuff + the dog, my mom, etc...I hope you all are well!!
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June 6th, 2009 at 04:33 am
I had a wonderful birthday Wednesday at Disneyland. We went one several rides, shopped, people watched, and just enjoyed a day of magic and wonder.
Yesterday, we kicked around town and did dome window shopping and enjoyed "Tea" in a little cafe called Paris in a Cup. It was adorable...decorated in pink, black, gold...the food was amazingly good and the tea was superb.
Today was travel home and visiting with the kids and giving souveniers. I think everyone was very pleased.
Tonight is the hub's last night on his job. He leaves for Alaska on Tuesday. He will be in Prudhoe Bay. I looked it up, they have a population of ONE family there. wow.
He is nervous and excited. This weekend we will pack his things and get everything ready for his month-long initial departure.
DD3s surgery is in two weeks...she is so excited and I am excited for her.
Much going on here. And it is good to be home after two weeks to take care of everything!!
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June 3rd, 2009 at 02:58 pm
My buddy and I are doing Disneyland today!! A day of being 'kids' at heart and enjoying the 'happiest place on Earth'.
Vacation is going well. I am having a great time in Cali..
The hub shipped his tools to Alaska yesterday...$1200!! (ouch) He leaves in less than a week.
But thats a ponder for another day...today, its all about fun!!!
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