Home > Haircut and a new outlook

Haircut and a new outlook

March 30th, 2008 at 12:34 am

I was very UNfrugal today. I honestly didn't leave the house thinking..."ok, Im going to spend an outrageous amount of money on my hair"...(which is something I never do...until today)

My weekend "look" has definately been the "grandma who is a little hefty with dark roots having a bad hair day".

So, I walked into the JC Penney salon and asked for a hair-cut (no I don't need it styled, thanks)....

And then I sat down in front of the mirror and was looking at the frumpiest, tired person Id seen in a long time...there was no spark in those eyes guys.

So "Becky" walks up...she was about my age...a little heavier than me..which I mention ONLY because... SHE LOOKED GREAT. She asked me what kind of cut I would like and I looked at her and said...I want to walk out of here feeling as good as you look.

...and Becky looked at me like I was crazy. And I don't blame her one bit.

So we talked through cuts, my roots, my timeline for getting ready in the morning, etc...and I looked around the room and saw a room full of women who were smiling, chatting, foil in their hair...and thought - what the heck.

So I asked for the works...a cut, color, highlights, even an eyebrow wax..(ouch)...
Guys, it took over 3 hours!

Becky took her time and purposely kept me from looking in the one point I told her it felt like there was a SURPRISE PARTY happening on my

And then, the moment of truth, Becky asked me if I was ready...and I closed my eyes...but first a few people (customers and stylists) said, you are going to be happy....

And she swung me around...

I honestly didn't recognize the person looking back right away...

She looked happy, at least 10 years younger, definately not old enough to be a gramma...and FRUMPY was no where in sight....FRUMPY had left the building....

I'm not sure if there is room for treats like this in a truly frugal budget...sometimes I think I will never make that leap from a wanna-be to truly frugal like some of you...

But I am so excited about looking my age again...I can't tell you...

It was a major extravagance...even for a wanna be- but I am not sorry I did it.

and I don't anticipate buyers remorse, as I will be able to smile when Ilook in the mirror each morning!!!

16 Responses to “Haircut and a new outlook”

  1. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Hello Fab.U.Lass!!!

  2. JanH Says:

    I am a FIRM believer in the works at the hair salon. I have had young people stop me in the mall and ask where I got my hair highlighted or cut. And I am all thumbs where it comes to hair. But, the gal that does mine is a magician and takes that into consideration. Good for you for doing something that makes you feel so good! It is one thing that I will cut costs elsewhere so I can keep it up!

  3. rduell Says:

    Good for you! You're worth it!

  4. retire@50 Says:

    To me being frugal is not about never having any treats, it's about deciding this is important to me and this is where I decide to spend money. These other areas aren't important so I won't waste my money on them. Now I can afford what truly makes me happy. I'm happy for you.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    I think it's great, especially since you feel so wonderful!!

  6. compulsive debtor Says:

    Good for you. The luxury of a good haircut is one thing I think we all should treat ourselves to every 4 to 6 weeks.

  7. sillyoleme Says:

    Sounds like you got more than a haircut! There are some things that are hard to put a price on, one of which is feeling really GOOD about yourself. Congrats on the new look!

  8. baselle Says:

    Sounds like its money well spent!

  9. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Sounds like you had a wonderful stylist. Good for you - we all need to do something extra special for ourselves once in awhile!

  10. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    That was a great description of the "miracle." It's time for me to do something about my hair.

  11. Managinglife Says:

    The power of the fabulous frugal woman! There is nothing wrong in taking care of yourself. It was money well spent on the outer self as well as your inner self!

  12. fern Says:

    Good for you!

    I wish i could find a good hair cutter who doesn't charge enormous rates.

  13. Ima saver Says:

    I think that is greatRay!! I hope you do this more often!! I bet you feel like a million bucks!!

  14. huffydeb2003 Says:

    Good for deserve it!
    I splurged a few weeks ago on a spiral perm. I didn't have a perm in over 2 years.

  15. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehehe. Congrats. Big Grin

  16. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Where is this Miss Becky and can she squeeze me in??? Smile

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