Home > Manicure/Pedicure...Dinner plans

Manicure/Pedicure...Dinner plans

July 18th, 2010 at 12:28 am

I always wrongly assumed I was too clumsy to paint my own nails...Actually, I would try once, fail miserably and give up...But my desire to have pretty toenails on a tight budget got me determined enough to give it an honest effort. First try...pretty try...a little better (emphasis on little)...but learned that q-tips and nail polish remover can work wonders on boo-boos. Now, while not 'perfect'...I am happy to say that I do a nice enough job for me. Smile I now have 4 colors of polish in my stash, am saving a bundle...and love seeing the newly painted fingers and toes anytime I want to do it! Such an inexpensive way to give my day a boost.

Tonight, the hub is over and we are bbqing for friends. We seem to have figured out that we get along well living apart. I am not sure where this road will lead....but it is nice to be friends during this separation period.

Babysat my youngest grandbaby (7mos) this morning for a couple hours...nothing like a baby sleeping peacefully in your arms to remember what is really important in life...loved it! Cleaned house...and now just waiting for everyone to show up for a nice night of friendship.

Good to be back at this blog...and catching up with all of you...what a great group of folks that hang out here...hugs. very, very good.

5 Responses to “Manicure/Pedicure...Dinner plans”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I used the q-tip trick on my toenails, too! Enjoy your evening.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    I have always done my own nails - practice practice practice! One day you are a beginner, and next thing you know, you will be an expert!

    I couldn't do it without q-tips either. Actually, I am so out of practice, that I am staying away from dark colors for now - until I get more practiced again. Lighter colors are more forgiving.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I am glad that life is good for you!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    At one time I had one of those plastic tubs filled with all the essentials for doing a manicure/pedicure. I think all told it cost right around $25 for everything. I used it for a few years, then got out of the habit. But it definitely saved me a lot of money! (I tried giving myself a french manicure with a diy kit. Twice. Just couldn't get the "tips" right.)

  5. HouseHopeful Says:

    If I get any polish on the skin, I just hop in the shower after the nails are dry. The steam makes it easy to take off any polish on the skin.

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