Home > Day one on the new job

Day one on the new job

October 2nd, 2011 at 01:49 am

The hub called and his first day was a loooooong one. He got up yesterday at 3am to catch his flight to the slope..then, the plane was delayed. He finally arrived at 9am and went into training. After attending training all day, his shift started at 6pm and he worked until 6am this morning. 8 hours of regular time and 9 1/2 of OT for his first day (He earned about $650 for one day!). Poor guy- he was exhausted this morning and then slept all day. He is working the 6pm-6am shift, which is fine for him since he has always worked nights.

I spent the day doing homework and cooking. I made a big pot of black bean and chicken soup. I had all of the ingredients for this, so no cost today.

I also made the first batch of muffins from the mix I put together last weekend. I bought a pkg of frozen berries (blue, rasp and black berries) ($3.29)and made triple berry muffins this time...It looks like there are enough berries left to make two more batches. The muffins turned out awesome. I can see why the recipe got rave reviews!

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Tomorrow, I will make a second batch to have for next week as well as the oatmeal. Between the soup, the oatmeal and the muffins, I am pretty well set for the first half of the week.

I pulled all the bedding off and washed the sheets, blankets and bedspread today. I swapped out the sheets we were using for a set of shabby chic rosebud sheets my kids bought me about 5 years ago. They are pretty and I am reluctant to use them daily when the hub is here...he occasionally falls into bed after working all night oblivious to how much residual (grease) he has on his arms...Id rather not use my foo-foo sheets when thats posssible. SOOO, for the next three weeks, I get pretty sheets! Cost for feeling uber feminine while I sleep, nada!

All in all, an awesome day. Loving the weekend and the chance to catch up and relax. Smile

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