Home > Garage - Day Two

Garage - Day Two

April 8th, 2013 at 12:18 am

I put in about 5 hours so far on the garage. Our dump isnt open on Sunday, or I would have gotten farther. While its far from where I want it to be, I am really happy with the progress. I have been through every box that is not in the rafters.

I have at least a full truck load to take to the dump next Saturday (unless I can convince DD3 to do it this week while I am at work...hmmm...)

I have a really big box of burn/shred. Most likely I will send it out the to country house for the burn pile- unless there is a community shred day soon.

I have a small pile for each of the kids that I might turn into memory books for them. Old report cards, photos, school projects, etc.

A few donate boxes for Goodwill. (Next Saturday too.)

And then there is the stuff destined to be stored in the garage. When the hub comes home, I have a honey-do list for him...hang cabinets, put up shelving and put the filled storage bins in the rafters. I am going to create a storage map where everything needs to go and then hang it inside one of the cabinets for easy reference.

Big Grin Then, I can mark this job complete. I am on track to finish this project by my target date of end of April.

Cost of project: Dump run, storage bins: TBD
I will post pics of before and after when its done.

The rest of the day will be spent getting laundry done and prepping food for the week ahead.

Its been a very productive day. But I am pooped!

4 Responses to “Garage - Day Two”

  1. snafu Says:

    Good on you sticking to your plan and working in the garage. I've this job ahead - snow and a sudden, unexpected cold snap let me delay 2013 Garage Spring Clean-up last week. I suggest doing your major garage 'mapping ' on computer to print-out, make changes as necessary and to direct folks needing supplies to 3rd bin, 2nd row for example from your list at your desk.

    We found it helpful to have the list enlarged to fit the door that links house to garage since it's our secondary/out of season storage.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Great job!!

  3. looking forward Says:

    Sounds good. The memory books might be good Christmas gifts. ..

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Way to go with working your plan! I wish I'd been as fruitful over my break ... (i.e did NOTHING other than dishes and laundry ...)

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