Home > The Christmas Jammies

The Christmas Jammies

September 28th, 2018 at 12:27 am

We are planning a family trip in December - if you can believe it, it was DH's idea! We started planning and saving a year ago for this trip. It is scheduled for the first week in December and we have rented a huge home in a resort about 4 hours away. All of my kids and grandkids will be under one roof for 5 days! So excited. We havent done a trip like this with all the kids and grandkids since the year after my dad 10 years ago.

When we started planning, we thought there would be 18 of us...we rented the largest house available on the rental site...which was 8 bedrooms, 8.5 bathrooms. We are going to do Christmas movies, hot cocoa, make Christmas decorations, get a tree from the woods, and just do all the fun Christmassy things we can think of!

Well, since then, DD1 has taken in 3 foster girls. Bringing our total to 21 - (12 kids ranging in age from 3 - 14!). (DD2 would love to bring her boyfriend and his 2 kiddos, but the rental is restricted on how many we can have- and sadly we are at the max already).

One of the ideas DH had was to get all the kids matching or coordinating jammies. So, two days ago Kohls posted an ad for Christmas jammies bogo- 1/2 off. I ran down and bought twelve pair. Of course, the next day, Kohls put those same jammies on sale for 50% off and was also giving Kohls cash... I took the receipt in and they credited me $105 and gave me $40 in kohls cash- bringing the total for each set at about $13.50. SCORE!! I am thrilled to save the extra $$- which with 21 people can easily help with the food budget.

So, I still have plenty of planning to do, but get a nice checkmark on the jammie box!

And, came in well under budget for that line item! Ho-Ho-Ho!

I love planning stuff like this so the next few months will keep me busy putting all the special touches on the plans. I am hoping by the time we go the boys adoption will be final and we can celebrate while we are there. One of the girls that DD1 has is the boys older sister- so, they will all be together for this trip- which will make it extra special for them and us!

7 Responses to “The Christmas Jammies”

  1. Jenn Says:

    That is so cool in many ways. I hope the adoption is final by then. You must promise to post a Jammie picture!!

  2. livingalmostlarge Says:

    Great deal! Have fun!

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Awesome! Why does everything go on sale the day after you buy it? (It never fails! For me anyway).

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    P.S. When are you going to be in my neck of the woods? We need to meet up! Maybe I will shoot you am e-mail from my real e-mail if I can find your e-mail.

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    What a great find! The trip sounds pretty awesome too.

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks all!

    MM- just shoot me a pm on Facebook! Id love to come for another meetup and catch up!!! Now that the fires aren't an issue, lets see if we can make it happen!

  7. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds like a great time.

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