My DH and I spent the day cutting (he)and splitting (me) a cord of madrone firewood that we are delivering on Wednesday. This is one of our little side businesses that we use to suplement his income now that I am not working outside the home. (I just have to chuckle when I compare wood splitting to sitting in the board room in a business suit last year...what a difference!)
We made homemade dough for pizza's last night and had enough left over to make more for a late lunch eating was really cheap this weekend. (I made sure he assembled them, so he could see how much fun home cooking can be....he had a blast!)
We live 13 miles outside of town on 2 acres. To earn extra money, we do the firewood and I breed labradors. To stretch the money, I cook from scratch as much as possible ~ quite a feat for someone whose daughter once said "mommy, sometimes I like to eat with a fork" (obviously too many burger pitstops! when I was working those long hours)
Keep smiling!
Busy Day
March 13th, 2006 at 02:44 am
March 14th, 2006 at 09:41 pm 1142372489
Some of your colleagues must have thought you had lost your mind to leave a high powered job. But you must feel such a sense of relief. It's so awesome that you had the guts to do something that others would cower about.
March 14th, 2006 at 10:33 pm 1142375585