Home > The Green Dress

The Green Dress

March 23rd, 2006 at 12:45 am

As I mentioned earlier, I needed to come up with a formal, dark green dress for DD3 by tomorrow night....

The first store we went to had the most beautiful just about every pastel shade you could imagine...PASTEL...I need DARK GREEN

So we go to the back of the store..and find a clearance rack...and what do I see??? a beautiful dark emerald green dress...but what size...I quickly look...size 8 PERFECT...and DD3 is not saying 'yew" with that look all teenagers have perfected (you know the look)...

So I look at the price....gulp $120...
oh boy...well, let's try it anyways...after all, it's on sale...must be around $50-60...she tries it on...with her red hair she is GORGEOUS...

We get to the register and the grand total....$20.39 OMG!!!!!!

Well, the dress is strapless and she has to have something on her shoulders (youth group rules) and so we look at a simple black shawl...$14.99....on sale for $12.74.... Shoes...$14.99 (and she can wear both the shawl and shoes with her pink and black 8th grade graduation dress that we got on clearance long before I knew we would need a dark green one.)

Grand total.....$48.12!!!! I am smiling here!!!

5 Responses to “The Green Dress”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Way to go! Things like that make my day!!!

  2. miclason Says:

    woo-hoo! way to go!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Congrats Ray, on pleasing your daughter and getting a bargain, both hard jobs! Is'nt clearance great! What a super shopping day!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    Fantastic Ray!!

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I am still smiling today over this find...I simply can't believe how all the stars aligned on this one! And the best part, she looks like a little princess in it! (which means she will feel like one on the big night)

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