Home > My best frugal lesson (Warning, long rambling post)

My best frugal lesson (Warning, long rambling post)

March 24th, 2006 at 05:38 pm

Growing up, we lived a feast or famine life...there were some years we ate alot of beans...and others we could afford pretty much anything we wanted.

In my teens, we lived mostly feast years...both parents worked long hours and they were able to afford nice cars, Christmas was usually sprinkled with tiny boxes with diamonds or collected crystal, antiques and had his guns...he built a huge shop and it was filled with tools and gadgets...

They had lots of beautiful 'stuff'.

My dad was a heavy equipment truck driver...and can still recall his busy work days, and his many, many proud moments at his job...but he can't recall being at any of our school or extra-curricular activities (cause he wasn't) nor could he tell you any of our friends names...

Mom tried to be there, but she was pretty tired most of the time...and I never really got the feeling that she enjoyed it..

Don't get me wrong, our parents loved us dearly...and we were a very close family.

One day, they decided to sale all of their stuff because they were tired of it and wanted to become RV they had an estate sale. Their lifetime of hard work for stuff boiled down to $18,000 at the end of the day. $18,000 doesn't last very long when you travel...

I guess all my rambling amounts to this:

The cost of all that 'stuff' was too much. My parents worked themselves to death to accumulate it...and then sold it for enough money to travel and live on for about a year.

I learned the most FRUGAL lesson that day. Stuff sucks...(just kidding)
I decided then and there that we were going to do it differently. Time with our family is our goal...not stuff.

We don't have alot of stuff ~however~ We go to the extra-curricular things, our DDs friends practically live here on the weekends, if you've read any of my blogs, you know about the grandbabies... and life is good.

6 Responses to “My best frugal lesson (Warning, long rambling post)”

  1. PrincessPerky Says:

    Excellent point!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    You were smart to learn that young. I think I learned it at a young age cause we were so poor after my father died. (women didn't work back then)

  3. KarenSue Says:

    This is a really good post. What would my stuff be worth if I sold it all? What am I really working for? I like my job, but the whole point of working is to make money.

    I know that when we have possesions, some are more useful than others. We all need clothes to wear and food to eat. Appliances come in handy, and are used every day. Furniture is comfortable and reflects our tastes and color choices. We all love our TV and music!

    Some things are enjoyed and put to use every day. In looking around the room, I'm happy with the choices I've made. How many years did your mom enjoy her collections? Was it worth it to her? I guess it's up to the individual.

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    My mom LOVED her collections~at the time. If she could do it over again, she definately would have stuck more money away so that they had a little more now.

    Also- my parent grew up very poor. Moms family- cotton farmers...Dads- widowed mom who babysat and washed clothes...

    This is a big reason why 'stuff' was so important ~at the time. Neither had ever had much at all. However, they would both agree now that a successful, happy life is 'not about the stuff'.

  5. baselle Says:

    My sister and I have a similar story, and its in the few entries of my blog. Mom was a hoarder, so they had less great stuff but more stuff in general. $21,000 from the estate sale.

    You furnish your life with your memories, experiences and relationships - not with your stuff.

  6. mom2fur Says:

    When my fil passed away a few years ago, we were helping my mil go through some of the things they'd accumulated over 40+ years of marriage. She was looking at some souvenirs from a trip to Paris, and you know what she said, "it means nothing to me now." I think what she was saying is that time with her beloved husband (who was a real great guy) was the most important thing. She passed away herself last year, and I miss her so much. But I spent a lot of time with her (she was very sick from diabetes and mentally and physically handicapped in the end), and I am more grateful for those memories than anything material legacy.

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