Home > Where will the day take us

Where will the day take us

March 26th, 2006 at 08:54 pm

Today will be a full day.

DH and I take our trash and my parents trash to the dump every three-four weeks.Today is trash day.

Cost: $13 for all- which my father insists on paying...why are parents so stubborn???
If we paid for trash pick-up, it would cost us each $40 bi-monthly so we save $27 each month taking it ourselves. The dump station is on our way to town so we don't use any extra gas for doing it since we plan a town trip that day anyways.

We were given $50 in walmart gift cards (DD2 wins them (and lots of other g/cs)all the time at her job and gives the walmart ones to me because she doesn't like shopping at walmart)So DH and i are going to stop at walmart today to pick up dog food and a few other household items.

Then we are going to 'splurge' and stop by Blockbuster to see if there is a movie we can agree on for tonight...he likes bloody war-type movies and I like pretty much anything that isn't we shall see.

Lunch is chicken ceasar's. I pre-cooked the chicken yesterday and made enough to eat off of for a few days yet...can't wait to have some in teryaki rice bowls tomorrow! yum

Dinner will be bar-b-qued london broil that I got a great two for one sale on a while back (a large one feeds us + my parents for under $5)

So meals today are about $7 for 4 adults.

We already have popcorn for the movie...but I would really love some M& those will find a way into the cart at walmart too! (2nd indulgence for the day)

The sun is shining today and I think it is warm enough to hang some I am off to do that. (Took my mom a dozen daffodils for her table this morning...she loves flowers!)

GS will most likely spend part of the afternoon here pulling his beloved wagon...

Have a good one!

3 Responses to “Where will the day take us”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I am surprised that they will open the dump on a Sunday. Here, they close at noon on Saturday. Sounds like you have a nice day planned for today. Enjoy your day!

  2. PrincessPerky Says:

    We do the dump thing too, really isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Sounds like a lovely frugal day. Look how organized you are! Amazing how much that helps in trying to save money! Enjoy the parents and the GS!

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