My life has been blessed by so many wonderful people, I thought I would share another with you.
I worked with Jane for a number of years. For many of them, I did not know her very well, she was just another co-worker. I made good money at my job, so going to lunch with my peers was something I did everyday...but I noticed that, although Jane made the same as I did, she always declined the offer to go with and instead ate leftovers in her office.
As time went on, Jane and I became fast friends and I learned so much about the human spirit.
10 years earlier, Jane's husband had died after a long illness, leaving behind Jane and her 8 year old daughter.
Before he died, his insurance had run out and Jane had put more than $70,000 on her credit cards to cover perscriptions and nursing care.
The easy way out would have been for Jane to file bankruptcy, but instead...she started working three jobs.
Three jobs with an eight year old...doesn't that mean a troubled teen down the road???
On the contrary, Jane and her daughter volunteer weekends at the humane society, Jane was president of her daughters band club, Jane started a community education programs for underpriveledged folks...and Jane and her daughter spent their free time counseling single moms on how to get through...
Aside from her three jobs, an unbeknownst to her daughter, three times each week Jane donated her plasma...which was money that went to her daughter so she never had to feel 'poor' or 'different' from the other kids at bought her clothes and occaisonal school supplies that were above and beyond.
Fast forward 10 years...I have known Jane for about 4 years now. The original $70,000 is down to under $10,000...Jane refinances her house and has one obtainable payment for the first time in her life.
And what became of Jane's daughter??? Well, she graduated with a 3.99 GPA and is currently attending West Point Military Academy. Not bad....
I often think about a saying I once read that when we get to feeling as though do not 'have the time' we have the same number of hours in each of our days as Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, etc....and my friend Jane.
Jane has truly been a remarkable inspriation in my life.
Jane (another long post and tribute to a dear friend)
March 29th, 2006 at 03:52 am
March 29th, 2006 at 06:24 am 1143609872
March 29th, 2006 at 09:18 pm 1143663484
March 29th, 2006 at 11:39 pm 1143671978