Home > $20 challenge is growing...

$20 challenge is growing...

April 3rd, 2006 at 04:23 pm

I added another $14 to my challenge for stair climbing last I am up to $94.13 (the .13 was interest this month!)

I have been racking my brain on ways to earn some money to add to this challenge...and remember that we have several bags of soda cans in the I will be turning those in this week! I also have some change in my piggy bank...I will take that in as well...

I am eager to see my challenge top $100--

2 Responses to “$20 challenge is growing...”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Almost there Ray! Now if we could just lose some weight with all this stair climbing. (Guess I am doing too much arm bending)

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    you got that problem too??? ugh...I was doing pretty good for about a month, and then I had a couple of stressful issues with family....stress is my 'hand to mouth disease' trigger....I need to get better at handling this issues....I am afraid to step on the scale...although it is a new month...and I still have two months to get healthier and (hopefully) get off the meds!

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