Home > Inexpensive Centerpiece for Easter...

Inexpensive Centerpiece for Easter...

April 3rd, 2006 at 11:33 pm

Had a thought. At Christmas, I bought some plain green wreaths at the dollar store.

I also have a whole bunch of those plastic Easter eggs from past years...

And a few cream-colored tall candles...

Since we are having an Easter brunch here this year and also celebrating my moms and GSs birthday...I need decorations.

I think I will spend the evening turning those Christmas wreaths into some cute centerpieces and decorations...for basically free since I have all the stuff... Hmm...I wonder what else I can find that can due double-holiday duty....

Any ideas/suggestions?

1 Responses to “Inexpensive Centerpiece for Easter...”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I make my own cloth napkins and have some that do double least I think I do. I haven't done any sort of entertaining here at the new house, so haven't drug out the fancy linens as the kids call them.

    I got sample books from a fabric store once, drapery & upolstery fabrics. When I took the book apart, the swatches were the size of a napkin, and serged around the edges already. I ended up with a "set" of similar, but all different flowery ones. All in pastels, great for Easter, spring or summer sorts of events. Free too!

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