I think GS - Colton - realizes today is special..Gramma has been singing Happy Birthday to You off and on.
Right now he is at the indoor gym with my DD1 and her DD (aunt and cousin), my parents and a couple of others. I sent $15 with DD1 to pay gym fees and to buy some bubbles at the dollar store for the kids to play with when they get back.
Gramma didn't get to go because of the warm weather which is bringing more calls for the business
. I had over $500 in business calls in a 30 minute period today (wow!!)This is good, we have a long ways to go before we are in the black.
GS asked for "waffoes" for breakfast, so we had waffles. Leftovers for lunch...Dinner will be something easy as DH had to go into work early today so it will just be DD3 and me tonight.
Off to hang laundry!!! ttyl
GS is TWO today.
April 20th, 2006 at 10:10 pm
April 20th, 2006 at 10:26 pm 1145568419
April 20th, 2006 at 10:32 pm 1145568747
April 21st, 2006 at 02:45 am 1145583947