Home > All your Worth 50/30/20

All your Worth 50/30/20

May 2nd, 2006 at 02:08 am

I read this book over the weekend...and I was dissapointed to find that we are way outa whack....

We do not spend anywhere near the 30% for wants...and we overspend on the must haves. Frown

Then I started thinking about our life.

We have a home in the country that we adore...which is what tilts the balance. Last year, we had to refi in order for me to stay home and care for my parents..and so the payment now is a little steeper. (we rolled all other debt into this one to do so)

And I kept thinking...we eat well, we save, we have clean (yet not new) clothes, we have lots of family time, we get a small allowance each, we camp Smile, we have satellite tv for entertainment...and we have $$ set aside for vacations....but we do not spend very much each month on wants.

I had cracked this book hoping to find some great advice for making things better...and ended up realizing that things were pretty good already....even if we are a little off-kilter....It made me proud to think that we had come up with a plan that allowed us to feel 'rich' in love...without feeling 'poor'in things. and I guess thats about all we wanted/needed. Am I crazy to not want more for wants??? we seem pretty darn happy here....deprivation? whats that? lol

5 Responses to “All your Worth 50/30/20”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I have been reading up on the 50/30/20 also........and decided I'm out of whack too, which wasn't a big surprise. Used to being out of whack, (thus Contrary1) so at least it was a comfortable spot. I think the older I get, the better I am at discerning what are needs and what are wants..........and the longer I live, the fewer wants I have on the list. In fact, some days I can't think of any. That is probably out of whack, but I am comfie where I'm at right now.........

    So, enjoy your out of whack state! I don't know that "wants" are all they are cracked up to be anyway!! (they usually come with a bill)

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    If it works for you then your way is best!Smile

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Well, you know I have high hopes for my 50/30/20 goal! I was out of whack too, but through some cuts put it into close range. Will keep you posted!

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    boomeyer says: Well, you know I have high hopes for my 50/30/20 goal! I was out of whack too, but through some cuts put it into close range. Will keep you posted!

    Thrifty Ray says: I say go get em girl! I think it could be a great way to budget...unfortunately, my home is gonna keep us off kilter...but selling it is not even an option...(I love it here, plus we have my parents here too)
    So in my situatuion, the concept is not going to work...Im just grateful we have what we have...and that everyone here is thriving!! (Even if we are outa whack!!)

  5. Ima Saver Says:

    I think you are a pretty smart gal. You are happy, that is all that counts.

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