Home > Thank you Saving Advice & Friends...

Thank you Saving Advice & Friends...

May 2nd, 2006 at 01:56 am

Because of my newfound focus and blogging here on a routine basis, I just enetered my first month of having an ENTIRE MONTH worth of bill$$$ saved up in my bill pay account and am ready to pay all my bills at once!!! (hooray!)

Ordinarily I have to use a little out of each weeks checks to stay up...but we are finally ahead of the game!! (Where is some wood to knock on!!...I guess my head will have to do)

DH has been working alot of OT and I have just left that in the bill pay account...which is a primary reason that we have enough there now! (woo-hoo)

I hope to stay on this path through the summer and hopefully get at least three months worth saved in that account.

I owe the strength to get here to the support from all of the past, I have been working kinda blind...but I really have found my focus!!

4 Responses to “Thank you Saving Advice & Friends...”

  1. lrjohnson Says:

    Hot hot hot news.

  2. jeffrey Says:

    Great to hear! It certainly helps to have a place that gives support and where you can write down and keep track of your accomplishments. Keep up the great work.

  3. Ima Saver Says:

    You are an inspiration to all of us too!

  4. miclason Says:


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