Home > Whoopin Stick...

Whoopin Stick...

May 2nd, 2006 at 02:50 am

That's what I need to borrow....

You got one???

Must be strong enough to whoop two parents....


Limited budget...

live month to month...

and often do not have any money the last week of the month due to a very limited budget....

but yet find logic....

in spending almost $300 for 3 pair of shoes while their daughter (ie ME) is off camping for a few days...

If you have one...(whoopin stick) please reply....

I will pay shipping expenses....

and will return when Im done...

thank I am off to beat my head on a brick wall! or something....


4 Responses to “Whoopin Stick...”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Honor thy Father and Mother!Wink I gotta tell you my mom uses the same logic! Whoopin stick won't help!Smile

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Were the shoes made of gold? Holy cow, thats expensive! Orthopedic?

  3. carol Says:

    $300 for 3 pairs of shoes??!! I am sick!

  4. Ima Saver Says:

    I haven't spent that much on shoes in 10 years. Sorry to hear that.

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