The good, the great and the not so great...
Received my first rebate check today for $9.43 from Gillette...I will put that into my $20 challenge. (update balance later)
DH got paid last night and this check was huge thanks to all the overtime last week....we will put some of the extra in his business account to help with these expenses until the earnings start coming in.
and the not so great...
I cancelled my Complete Home membership today (30 days was up) and I never received the circuit city gc's nor did I get credit to my points (200) for signing up...
But the good stuff far outweighs the not-so- good today!
money....good, great and no so great
May 5th, 2006 at 09:43 pm
May 5th, 2006 at 11:45 pm 1146869138