Home > Oh Boy....Papa's sick.

Oh Boy....Papa's sick.

May 9th, 2006 at 03:20 am

Egads....Nana is due to hop on that plane at 6am....and she just called to tell me that Papas fever is up to 102.6.

He is a lung cancer survivor with a caveat....he gets pneumonia very easily...and his symptoms tonight are suspect....

Sooooo...I will be taking Nana to the airport at 5am and heading home to take care of Papa until the Dr Office opens...very possible he will end up in the hospital while Nana is gone on this trip.

Poor Nana is a wreck...Papa is in and out of awakeness....

And Im doing my best to keep it calm...


Oooops, just dropped one of those balls Im juggling on my head...Looks like DD1 will have to run the pest business tomorrow while Papa and I do doctors.

breathe in....breathe out....

5 Responses to “Oh Boy....Papa's sick.”

  1. miclason Says:

    ((hugs))...cannot offer much more than that!..Hope everything turns out OK tomorrow!

  2. markio26 Says:

    my father passed away after a brief illness in 2003 from lung cancer... it was very aggressive, it consumed his left lung entirely in about 3 months and his right lung was over compensating from breathing and just a mild pain is all he had, sometimes nothing... he loved to smoke, but, he had black lung from working the coal mines in ky and being in wwii, he had to hide in terrible hazardous places... anyway, i want to tell you i feel for you... i know what you are going thru.. you are so blessed to still have him with you. best wishes and i hope everything goes okay..

  3. carol Says:

    (2 big hugs) and sincere hope he pulls thru.

  4. Ima Saver Says:

    Sure hope he is feeling better. i can't believe people still smoke. Both my mother and MIL died from lung cancer.

  5. boomeyers Says:

    I'm sure DD1 will want to help in any way. We have to use our family to lean on when the going gets tough! Keep a positive outlook and let us know what happens! Just reassure Nana that you will take care of things and she is not to worry. It is almost like when you know your going to have a nice day at home getting things done, or a lunch with a girlfriend and one of the kids will start throwing up and it all go to pot. They know....

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