Home > Sonic Burger is coming to town....

Sonic Burger is coming to town....

May 11th, 2006 at 06:04 pm

We are getting a Sonic Burger....

Do you have one near you? Are they any good?

Not that I am looking for a way to start eating out again...There is just an air of excitement when a new kid comes to town...and I have heard people really like Sonic Burgers...

If you have one, what is your experience?

4 Responses to “Sonic Burger is coming to town....”

  1. retire@50 Says:

    Love Sonic, especially their chili cheese coney dogs. :0

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I like sonic, it is neat that you can take your dog to eat at a picnic table. We take our dog on every trip, so we use them often, don't like leaving her in the car and she likes hamburger.

  3. armywife Says:

    ooooh you're lucky!! We don't have any in NY and I am trying to convince hubby to do a road trip down to Florida this summer- I hear it's Sonic country down there!!! Mail me a shake, thriftyray? Smile

  4. tynana Says:

    The Sonic Restaurants in most areas offer a Tuesday night special with two for one hamburgers. We used to take the kids there all the time when they were small. Ours also has a 99. banana split. Small but ok if you just want a split in about 5-6 bites. I think you will find the Sonic to be pretty reasonable price wise. **I always tip the car-hop at least a quarter.


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