Home > Can you bury bread with carpet?

Can you bury bread with carpet?

May 12th, 2006 at 04:13 pm

Question: Can you bury a piece of bread in the carpet?

Answer: Of course not. Why would you even try?

I have no flippin clue...but that is what Grace (12 yo blind, possibly senile lab) has been trying to do for the past several minutes.

She is on a mission...Now mind you, she is the only animal in the house. But she is trying to 'hide' this piece of bread from the cats...(they live outside).

Further, she is getting carpet burn on her nose in her attempts.

What a funny girl. But this past week or two I have been seeing signs that she is starting to mentally lose it.

They told us she only had about 6 months to live....almost 4 years ago. Smile

If nothing else, Grace is doing it "her way".

And her way has kept me smiling for 3 1/2 extra years and counting.

For all her silliness, I love that darn dog.

4 Responses to “Can you bury bread with carpet?”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I love her too!!

  2. fern Says:

    I don't think Grace is senile.

    My cat tries to 'bury' her food all the time. It's instinctive behavior, the equivalent of a person wrapping up leftovers after dinner and putting them in the fridge for later consumption!

  3. dmontngrey Says:

    Oh that's wonderful! Sounds like you both are enjoying that "6 months"!

    We just adopted an 11 year old cat two days ago. Not sure what we have in store for us! She sure is moody at the moment. I don't blame her with what's she's been through.

  4. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Enjoy every moment you can!Smile

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