Home > The Sounds of Summer

The Sounds of Summer

May 14th, 2006 at 06:25 pm

The sounds of summer have arrived.

Yesterday, I listened to lawn mowers galore...sparrows fighting predators from their nests, and children playing in a neighbors pool.

Followed up last night by a serenade of frogs down at what we call 'Frog Creek'.
The truly HOT weather hasn't yet simply leaving a window open will cool the house down and allow the song of the frogs in.

Drifted off to sleep in those freshly, line dried sheets...(I got to put the nice cool cotton ones on instead of the flannel.)

I love the sounds that come with summer.
And I continue to say...the best things in life are free.

3 Responses to “The Sounds of Summer”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Do you have a creek too??

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Sounds great! It is still too cold here to keep the windows open. I am fighting turning on the furnace again! Can you believe it? It's almost June!!!

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Frog Creek is a little tiny path of water that flows through the neighbors yard in the winter and spring....about a foot wide and maybe 5 inches deep...and tunrs into a dry ditch in the no, I can't really call it a true creek. But the frogs love it.

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