Home > Great Day

Great Day

May 15th, 2006 at 03:48 am

I had a beautiful Mothers Day.

I had let the kids know that I didn't want/need anything...but I ended up with some sweet, sweet gifts.

DD1 threw a BBQ for all the moms/grandmas in hers and SILs family...quite a group...POTLUCK, so no one person spent too much. Very good food. Great company...nice day.

Then she potted starters off of her favorite spider all us moms/grammas went home with a 'baby'. She also gave us a framed photo. (The photos were all different and special in their own way....Mine was the 4 mom, me, DD1 and GD)

DD3 painted a rock with a sunflower- which I LOVE.

DS and his wife gave me a cute makeup bag with cherries on it...and some of my fav chocolate.

What a beautiful day. They each gave me a card with the /sweetest nicest notes inside.

I feel very blessed. What a beautiful day.

2 Responses to “Great Day”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    You are very blessed. I am glad you had such a great day!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    You are very blessed!! that is wonderful.

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