Home > What an afternoon....

What an afternoon....

May 16th, 2006 at 01:50 am

Don't you love almost-freebies? (Well, if you can't have a total freebie that is!)

DD3 and I took a drive over to our neighboring small town (7 miles) where the library is and picked up 3 books Id reserved. This little town is one little restaraunt, a grocery store, a tiny gas station a bank, post office and library. It is also where DD3 goes to school.

The drive over follows the river...very pretty this time of year! and so on the way home we stopped at one of the free sites along the river and dipped our toes in. (Record heat today : 98 degrees)

Then, we turned off to travel the river into a super nice housing area where the homes all are on the river...and admired the beautiful landscaping and the gorgeous homes.

Then we came back home and DD3 got to drive the last couple of blocks...she is 'practicing' for her permit.

Total for books, cooled toes, sightseeing and driving lesson....just the gas to get there and back.

My point is, that there is free entertainment all around us. It does not take a lot of money to create a memory...or to have a fun afternoon.

When we got home DD3 said she really enjoyed it....and I have to say, I really did too!

3 Responses to “What an afternoon....”

  1. veronak Says:

    You know I do the same thing, I take my nephew to the library or get online and find projects for us to do around the house and he loves it. Once in a while I will take him to the dollar store and let hime pick one item and enjoys it, it only cost me $1.07

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    In Oregon, we do not have sales a dollar is a dollar at the dollar store Smile
    How old is your nephew?

  3. Ima saver Says:

    That sounds great. I did not think it got that hot in Oregon. It was below 50 this morning in Ga. Can I ask the name of the town you live near? It sounds so neat!!

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