Home > DD3s Library Fines

DD3s Library Fines

May 17th, 2006 at 04:26 pm

DD3 and I go to the library every Wednesday. Rather than take the bus home, she walks to the library and spends an hour with her 'study group' friends and then I meet her there afterwards and we check out books.

Being that we are there WEEKLY, you would think library fees would be non-existent.


I stopped by the library a few days ago with DD3 and the librarian mentioned that DD3 had some overdue, I pulled out a dollar..thinking $.20-$.30.....but the fines were $7!!!!!!

Without batting an eye, the libraran looked at DD3 and said "I think you should 'work' these fines off. I have some books that need to be cleaned/shelved...can you come Wednesday after school?"

Of course DD3 was more than willing...and I was greatful for the non-monetary solution. So DD3 will be 'working' at her first job tonight. (It pays $4 per hour towards the fees, so she will work for 2 hours)

DD3 had already volunteered to work at the library 2 days per week this summer so this workoff of fines will be good training.

and I have decided that $7 will go to the $20 challenge since I didn't have to pay afterall!

Challenge update: stairs last week = $14 to challnge plus todays $7 = $235.06!!

5 Responses to “DD3s Library Fines”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    That's a win-win for everyone! Congrats...

  2. LittleGopher Says:

    What a nice librarian and a great solution!

  3. robex Says:

    Excellent! What a great way to handle the situation!

  4. baselle Says:

    Now there's a frugal act of kindness.

  5. Joy Wandrey Says:

    Most libraries around the country offer this solution. Most also have some guidelines surrounding this "work off" effort. in some cases the fines have to be near or over a specific dollar amount, or limit to once a year. Generally a person must meet all the other volunteer criteria (age, especially) in order to qualify. If you are over 12 yo and have substantial fines, ask if you can work them off, you might be pleased with the answer. Other libraries have no fines at all, but you usually find that in areas where the libraries are well-supported by other means (taxes).

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