Home > Life Lesson for DD3

Life Lesson for DD3

May 18th, 2006 at 05:27 am

Well, DD3 (14) cleaned library books this afternoon to payoff her $7 in fines.

She enjoyed working at the library, shelving books, talking to the patrons, looking up stuff on the computer...but wasn't too keen on the book cleaning part...

So we talked about how there are book cleaners and librarians in life. Librarians set goals, worked hard, stayed in school so that they could have a job they love.

Book cleaners could have been librarians...but they made different choices....and have a job just to make money to survive...

Everyone has choices...and she needs to make hers carefully....would she rather be a librarian or a book cleaner?

I think she got this lesson....and the volunteer job this summer should be very good for her as she faces high school next year.

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