Home > It's Friday!

It's Friday!

May 26th, 2006 at 02:55 pm

Friday has finally arrived!

I took three more HUGE- {couldn't fit another thing in if I tried}- bags of clothes to Goodwill this week. DD3 has been growing this year, so many of the items were those she has outgrown.

Yesterday was a no-spend day for us.

Putting the final touches on the house and trailer for vacation. This is literally the first time I will come home to a nice, tidy CLEAN home after vacation...usually we are so disorganized it was like a bomb went off---no so fun to come home to.

WFB - still no word back from them...I am ready to write off the darn $25 and close the account, just to be DONE. I will make one final attempt today...

Have a good one!

3 Responses to “It's Friday!”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Disorganized is my middle name. Great work getting things in order. Organization is very important in being frugal as it lets us know if we need something or not!Smile Way to GO!

  2. lrjohnson Says:

    Oh how nice to come back to a tidy home. I love travelling, and always make it a point to leave the house looking good, so when I come home I'm glad to be home!

  3. markio26 Says:

    i really try to do everything.. i leave home with the house cleaned.. but, when i return i have to clean anyway.....
    i am not disorganized, i just have to pick up the slack from the rest of the family and it puts me behind...

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