Home > Talk to your all in a week!

Talk to your all in a week!

May 29th, 2006 at 03:34 pm

We aren't leaving until tomorrow morning, but I am going to have Colton over for a slumber party I know I will be busy, busy.

We are pretty much packed an ready to go.

Im ready to go RELAXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The next time I blog, I will be a year older...45! Thanks to Retire @ 50, I can enjoy a Red Robin burger when I get back . Smile

Boomeyer...keep that DH informed of all the stay at home mom virtues!

Ima and Kitty..keep climbing those stairs!

Kashi- take care of your poor head.

miclasason- Keep enjoying that car!

Contrary1 - you're on the downhill side! (June is almost here-which means July is just around the corner!!!)

Fern- good luck with those decisions...I vote for the the telecommuting idea.

flash- I could say have a relaxing week yourself, but I know will continue to take care of all of us!

lrjohsnon- I am going to use your challenge as an inspiration to keep on track this week!

Money Talks...I am going to watch for Donald and Mickey!

Lucky Robin...I hope you keep finding money!

Sarah...your big month is almosthere!

Princess Perky- enjoy those picnics by the pool!

Kyles- I hope you figure out the add image thing so we can see those Communion pics!

Markio26- again, Happy Anniversary!

and Divajen and robex and stressless and mjrube....

*GS SHOWED UP EARLY and it is now Monday and we are getting ready to leave. So anyone I didn't mention, please have a fantastic week...I am looking forward to catching up when I get home!

Have a good one!

6 Responses to “Talk to your all in a week!”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Bye, /Ray, we will miss you. Have a Happy Birthday too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. scottish girl Says:

    Have a great birthday! Smile

  3. retire@50 Says:

    happy bday, you are almost as old as me Smile hope you enjoy the burger too.

  4. kylieb266 Says:

    Ray you are a real gem!
    Thanks for reading and commenting on all our blogs. I got a kick out of being mentioned in your message.
    happy birthday..

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Happy Birthday to you... you live in a zoo..... oh, yeah! Thats right! You DO live in a zoo....
    Hope you have a fab trip and relaaaaxxxxxx yourself silly.

  6. flash Says:

    Happy Birthday, hope you are having a fabulous time. We miss ya...but we'll be planning for your return! Here's a thought for the coupon train...any entertainment book coupons you want???

    Luv ya!


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