Home > Trying to get back on track with dinners

Trying to get back on track with dinners

June 8th, 2006 at 09:01 pm

I can easily see how we can slide off the frugal wagon...and then have to work our way back on...because Ive lived it this week...

My goodness. We have ate out more this week than the last 6 months combined!

I got back from vacation and jumped into work and have just not been my usual self as far as thinking about dinner each morning and getting it ready. Which means, more money spent on yucky fast food.

Tonight we are having pork roast, which has been in the crockpot since 9am...but aside from a couple of bbq nights...i have just been outa the cooking groove...which is really odd for me.

But I have the food lined out for this weekend and know what Im fixing already- so hopefully, this slump is over.

6 Responses to “Trying to get back on track with dinners”

  1. flash Says:

    Ah, my weakness too! If I wait until end of day, it's almost always fast food after work, or even a special drive in to Boston Market.

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I've gone to the Night Before Plan here.......... Before I go to bed, I need to tell myself what is the meal plans are for the following day. Then, I make a quick run to the freezer if needed and set the whatever......out to thaw.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Wish i wanted to cook at home. I use to, every night!!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    You know that is my weakness. Because of all the grocery shopping today, by the time it was put away, I was too exhausted! So its leftovers, sandwiches or soup - make your own!!

  5. Champion Cheapskate Says:

    Habit is stronger than reason. . . just a few days or a few times and a new habit can begin. Good luck kicking the restaurant habit.

  6. LittleGopher Says:

    Yup, the after-vacation vacation - I too have had struggles with this. I finally came up with a plan for this occurance, because it seemed silly to economize so well on vacation, only to come home and blow the budget.

    Usually I plan the first evening meal back at home as one that someone else cooks - either take-out, at a local inexpensive restaurant, or sometimes my in-laws invite us over to hear about the trip (my favorite!) (btw, we offer doing this for when they return from trips too - who wants to cook upon just returning from travels!) Before leaving on the vacation, I plan out a few days of super-easy, one-step away from having cereal for supper, types of meals - canned soup, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, boxed mac & cheese, and yes, even that aforementioned cereal. I'm usually lacking fresh produce, but we can hold out a couple of meals, until I can get my act together and get to the grocery store. I haven't lost a family member to malnutrition yet!

    I have found that at my house, If I don't plan, I don't save. Good luck!

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